Coaching World Issue 15: August 2015 | Page 17

• I’ll be perceived as arrogant. • I’ll be thought of as pushy. • I’ll be thought of as self-promoting. • I’ll put myself in the position to discover that I really am an importer and can’t deliver! Surfacing these worries can help us see our hidden goals. QUESTION 4 (COLUMN 3) Imagine that you don’t just have those worries or fears but that a part of you is actively committed to making sure they don’t happen. What are you committed to not having happen? For each of your worries, write “I am also committed to not…” in the bottom half of column 3. Finish the sentence with each worry. Ron wrote: I am also committed to not … • appearing arrogant. • appearing pushy or self-promoting. • being seen as an imposter if I don’t keep myself under the radar. Identifying these commitments usually makes us feel uncomfortable. (If you don’t yet feel uncomfortable, go back and see if you can identify yuckier, more self-protecting worries.) However, it also helps us see why we behave as we do, even when we know better. Ron understood why his prior efforts to motivate and remind himself to speak up didn’t last long. Ron understood his “immune system.” He could see that despite the fact that he genuinely wanted to be more aggressive promoting himself, he also had a goal to not promote himself. QUESTION 5 (COLUMN 4) In order to protect yourself like this, what must you be assuming is true? What beliefs do you have that are keeping you immune to change? Ron wrote: • I assume that if I self-promote, others will see me as arrogant and pushy. and an unprecedented escalation in my business.” Ron was able to change his behavior successfully and become a much more effective promoter of his business because he understood the beliefs that had held him back and began testing them to learn they were not true. Download a template to create your Immunity to Change map at • I assume that there is always a possibility that I will overpromise and underdeliver, and if that ever happens, I will have lost my integrity and people won’t trust me. Are Ron’s assumptions 100-percent valid? Or might he be overgeneralizing their truth? To overturn your immune system, you mus X