CNTME_Dummy_1 Sept 9 2013 | Page 70

View THE GREAT DEBATE QUEENIE SINGH jewellery designer SUHEL SETH managing partner, Counselage India Should airlines allow you to use cell phones on ?ights? This “disconnect and chill out business” is just a state of mind. Have the guts to do it on the ground “Don’t you often ?nd yourself sending out desperate messages to sort out your life when your ?ight is about to take off, since you’ll be incommunicado for a while? Earlier, I was happy to shut my phone off, watch movies and stay disconnected. It was a good break while it lasted—but now I’ve changed my mind. If I need to make a business call or just allay a niggling anxiety about an issue, what is the harm in using a phone on board? Besides, it’s really useful to send a message to someone who is waiting to fetch you at the airport if the ?ight is delayed. Family and friends will only be too happy to come and pick you up if they know the exact time of your arrival. The culture of sending drivers to the airport may ?nally be put to rest! This ‘disconnect and chill out’ business is just a state of mind. Have the guts to do it while on the ground—I have, and it works. All those emails, WhatsApp and BlackBerry messages can wait when you’re on the gro V?B?F?????&V?fW"?v?V?F?R??&?v?B?2'V???v?V?B??fRF??V"??fVB??^( ?2f??6^( FgFW"????fR?26??'B?Bv?V???R&RW??F?R?"???&RG&???&R6??'FW"?( ??v?fV?F?RGV?V?GV?W2?fW2vR?VB?F?W6R&RF?R????6W2?b6??GVFR&V?????p?( ?????V'2v???v2????rF?R&?Fv???7B??WW&??FW>( ???????GW2v?V???&??R???R&?r??F?RVF?F?&?V???W6VB?vV?BWF?F?BV?6?WF?&???R?F?????2Vv????R?????B?B7F?VB???fW"?B?'WBv?B6???76?&?F?F?W'6??v??6R???R&??w2B3"?gB&?fR6V?WfV??F?RfW'?F??Vv?B?2?V?&??~( Gv??6??2v???&V?WfRF?B?&??W2F?B?ffW"f??6R6W'f?6W2????W2F??VvRF?76W'f?6RF?W2g&WVV?B??'?W'2?v?fV?F?RGV?V?GV?W2?fW2vR?VB?F?W6R&RF?R????6W2?b6??GVFR&V?????r???v??R6?GF??r????W"?&7&gB6&??6???r6??Rf??RF?? :?&?v??????F?Rv???R?7FV???rF?6??R??WBv???2V?F?W"????rF???W"??2?"V?vvVB??vWGF??r??2G'??6?V???r&6?g&??F?R?V?G'??F^????FR???B????W"?2v?&?B??fRvRf?&v?GFV?6?????6?W'FW6?W3?v??&R?&??W2F?BF?F?R??wVvR?bv??B???W'2&V6???r7V6?&?wVW3??bf??6R6W'f?6W2&V6??R???7G&V??????bW2v???&Rf?&6VBF?6???6R?&??W2F?B?ffW"6??V?6^( F?V6???RF?RV?WB6"F?N( ?27V6???B??WW&?7F"?"F?R6V?W?&W72?( ??b6??L:??7BG&fV??W"?V?R?V?#0????D?u$?3?4?UEDU%5D?4??d?D?4?%??B4?$????