CNTME_Dummy_1 Sept 9 2013 | Page 42

Word of mouth Live it up in Livingstone The historic Zambian city celebrates its founder’s bicentenary year with a slew of cultural activities 2013 may be universally known as the Year of the Snake, but in quiet, reverent corners of Africa, it is also considered the Year of David Livingstone. The explorer came to Africa in the mid1850s and became the ?rst European to set eyes on Zambia’s Victoria Falls, which he named after Queen Victoria. The city of Livingstone, in turn, was named after him. This year marks 200 years since the birth of the national hero. For eight months, Livingstone will come alive with activities commemorating this special year, making it the ideal time to visit Zambia. From motocross, ?shing competitions and canoe challenges to dancing competitions, concerts on the banks of the Zambezi, and 60km-long marathons, there is likely to be something for everyone here. June will also see the kick-off of the 2013 Put Foot Rally—an epic 18-day African adventure that sees 40 crews take to the open roads to experience the continent in its wildest form. The Victoria Falls is scheduled to be one of the checkpoints on this journey—contributing an added sense of adventure to the big festivities in this little town. Abercrombie & Kent offers a classic ?ve-day Livingstone Adventure which allows you to experience the natural wonders of Zambia and the greater region of Southern Africa. ( Price on request ISHITA DHARNIDHARKA of funky, colourful passport covers is ideal for your global jaunts. Combining style with functionality, this Gateway of India cover (above) can easily ?t in credit cards, currency and other important documents as well. ( 840 DUBAI’S GLITZY FUTURE The soon-to-open MBR City is all set to up the emirate’s ante ining underwater surrounded by marine animals, hitting the ski slopes in a desert climate, skydiving over the Palm Islands—could Dubai get any more grand? Apparently, it can. Come 2014, the emirate will unveil its much-touted MBR City. Named after Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, MBR will be located j W7B?WG6?FRF?R6?G?( ?27W'&V?B?V???rF?v?F?v?&V?F?R?76?fR?WrFWfV???V?Bv???&?7B??&RF????FV?2?F?Rv?&?N( ?2?&vW7B6????r?????B7&v??rv&FV?F?Bv???&R3W&6V?B?&vW"F?????F??( ?2??FR&??F?R?Wr( ?6?G?( ?v????6??fR??fRF?7F??7BF?V?R&?2???6?VF??r&???v??B&???VBBGG&7F??r??F??f?6?F?'2??wwr??''v?&?Gv?FR?6????@??cb6??L:??7BG&fV??W"?V?R?V?#0??DU?C??4??DD?$??D?$???5$TT??????????D?u$?3?D4?$?U%3??U$?DtR??tU2?4?$$?3????4?UEDU%5D?4????B?R?????F?( ?2?Wr&?vP???