mm... Key to College?
If Magic Kingdom
held a Key to College for high
school students, where would
we be holding it? Of course,
at a college! On September
26, Orange Coast College
Circle K and other clubs in the
division ventured to Chapman
University to help out with
the Magic Kingdom Key to
The focus of the day was to
educate high school students
with tips like how to survive the
SAT/ACT and about different
types of choices for college.
A few of our members held
workshops, led groups of high
school students (frat-rorities),
and actively socialized with
other K-Family members.
In addition, we took part in
the mentor/mentee program
and were able to have oneon-one connections with high
school students who matched
best to ourselves. Most of the
attendees were CNH Key Club
and CNH KIWIN’S members, so
we were able to publicize Circle
K in a positive way.
As one of the leaders of a fratrority, I had an awesome time
with my group members! We
bonded, got close to one day.
This was all topped off when
Iand my partner, Karen
Aguillon from Santa Ana
College, “graduated” our team
and gave them certificates
to remember what they did
for the day. I really loved this
moment because everyone,
or mostly everyone, was
acknowledged and called up in
front of the whole group!
It really showed how much
we bonded and got to know
one another as we spent
the day together. And even
though Karen and I might have
mispronounced a few names,
it was the thought that counts.
The Magic Kingdom Key to
College was a great success!
I was happy to be given this
opportunity to show and
develop my leadership skills
as a frat-rority leader and as
someone who helped set up
throughout the day.
Since I’m only a first year, I was
proud to be able to represent
my home club on the divisional
level! And also a huge good
job to Alex D. Nguyen and
his divisional leadership team
for putting this whole event
together! I can’t wait for the
next Key to College, I’m excited
to see what new changes and
improvements will come for
next year’s Magic Kingdom