CNH CKI's The Sunburst Volume 55, Issue 3 Volume 52, Issue #4 | Page 16

16 FEBRUARY 2013 sunny's spotlights Service Spotlight: what is the March of Dimes “service spotlight”? The Service Spotlight is a bimonthly display of information on a certain service organization that the district has chosen to highlight to help promote and educate members about its cause. March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization that aims to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. It also provides educational resources and support to mothers, pregnant women, and future mothers concerning pregnancy and infant health problems. You and your awesome club can help by educating your community in a variety of ways, volunteer at the organization’s events - the most famous one being March for Babies walk - help in a local Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), make awareness Ribbons and cards, and much more! Did you also know March of Dimes is Circle K International’s Service Partners?! It’s just another reason to help out with this amazing organization because it can even get you recognized at ICON!!! Check out the following websites for more info: - Circle K International Service Partner: March of Dimes - March for Babies Spotlight on the D.Gov’s Little Brother In this segment, Johnny Cao-Nguyen shares his experience at his very first Circle K District Convention. Stay tuned for the first issue of the next term for full DCON 2013 coverage! Johnny Cao-Nguyen CSU Long Beach After four consecutive years of attending Key Club DCON, it was time for me to move up in the Kiwanis family and attend my first ever Circle K DCON. When I first registered for DCON, I knew I should have been excited, but in all honesty, I wasn’t that excited. Having gone through so many District Conventions in the past and having seen what it takes to plan one, I thought I knew everything there was to know about a District Convention. Little did I know, however, I was completely wrong. As the weekend drew near, I had very little expectations about the event because I had no idea what District Convention was going to be like. I didn’t know if I was going to enjoy it or if I was going to hate it for causing me to lose even more sleep than I normally would have on the weekend. I went in with a fresh perspective and I was willing to experience everything that it had to offer me. After surviving through the weekend with little to no sleep, I was happy to see that I had thoroughly enjoyed my very first Circle K District Convention. I was able to meet up with so many of my old friends from the past and I was also able to make so many new friends as well. I also learned so much about Circle K and the entire Kiwanis family through the workshops that I attended. Everything about this weekend showed me what Circ ?R??v2&?WB?B?B??F?fFVB?RF?v?BF?F???&R????6?V"?B&V6??R?WfV???&R7F?fR6?V"?V?&W"??'?F?RV?B?bF?RvVV?V?B??F??Vv?BF?BF?7G&?7B6??fV?F????B66???6?VB?G2???v?âF?'&??rF?R4?6?&6?R?f??WfV?6??6W"F?vWF?W"F??WfW"&Vf?&R???@????F?B?fVV???&R6???V7FVBF??6?V"?BF??WG&??F?f?6????'WB?fV?B7G&??vW"6???V7F???F?F?RV?F?&RF?7G&?7B2vV???6VV??r???bW26??RF?vWF?W"????RvVV?V?BF?6V?V'&FR???b?W"66???6??V?G2?B6??WfV?V?G2?fW"F?R7B?V"?FR?Rv?BF?F?6??V6????&RF???7B6?&6?R??B??R?WfV?&?vvW"F?ffW&V?6R???6???V??G???2f?'7B?F??RGFV?FVR?b6?&6?R?F?7G&?7B6??fV?F???????fRF?6?F?B?V????VB?B??&RF???WfW"F??Vv?@??76?&?R??bf???6??6?GVF???2W&?B??v???FVf???FV??????f?'v&BF?GFV?F??rv???W?B?V"?