Rose Floats
needed to wear khakis and a red or white t-shirt or
polo in order to be distinguished as a volunteer. MemGrace Go
bers participated in activities such as arts and crafts
UC Berkeley
with children ages 2 to 12.
Everyone else went to the scavenger hunt. It startGo West is a community service and social event ed at the Paseo which is an outdoor mall. Many of the
hosted by Pasadena City College at the Altadena Bap- challenges involved taking pictures or solving puzzles.
tist Church. It occurred from December 29 to 31, 2012, One station also involved coming up with appreciaa 2 day and 3 night event.
tion cheers. The winning team got drinks from Flour
There were over 200 attendees from all over Cali- and Tea. Between the end of each of these activities,
fornia-Nevada-Hawaii that either
there was a break before going to
stayed the entire time or did
There we found many the rose float decorating.
one day registration. Those that
The rose float decorating was
other volunteers from the at the Rosemont Pavillion. There
stayed the entire time slept in
the church. A portion of the fees
Kiwanis family including we found many other volunteers
raised from registration went toKey Club, KIWIN’S, and from the Kiwanis family includwards Pediatric Trauma Program
Kiwanis. Nearly everyone ing Key Clubbers and Kiwanians.
(PTP), one of the District Fundpresent was wearing the Nearly everyone present was
raising Initiatives. Beginning on
Kiwanis International shirt. wearing the Kiwanis International
Saturday night, there were board
games and cards. Clubs and diviWe were led to the hanger
sions also brought their shirts to sell to one another where we found the floats. Members were able to
and sometimes even for a discount.
help by spreading out the petals on flowers and putSaturday also allowed for free time for people to ting a wooden spear into them so that they can stick
explore the area including a nearby Roscoe’s Chicken into the float. Other members helped the Kiwanians
and Waffles. Those that stayed at the church were fed put staples into the float to keep decorations in place.
by the members of Pasadena City College. Later that Members took shifts working and walking around
night was broomball. Although many people fell and looking at the other floats. Circle Kers were there unleft with bruises, everyone had fun or at least a laugh. til 2AM.
Sunday began with a pancake breakfast provided
Then Monday morning, members went back to the
by PCC members. Then there was a choice of either Pavillion to finish the float. Then on New Year’s Day,
going to a scavenger hunt at the Paseo or helping at the Kiwanis float appeared with the District Govera service event Kidspace Snow Days at the Kidspace nors of Key Club, Kiwin’s, Circle K, and Kiwanis in the
Children’s Museum. Members going to Kidspace Rose Parade.