CNH CKI's The Sunburst Volume 55, Issue 3 Volume 52, Issue #1 | Page 4

04 AUGUST 2012 from your Hello Hello! Greetings to Sunny Cal-Nev-Ha! WHY HELLO THERE! Only a few months ago, we were celebrating our accomplishments of the 2011-2012 year in Woodland Hills, CA. It’s already August and our District definitely jumped into the new Circle K year head-on. With so many new accomplishments already, I’m excited to see what there is ahead for this District. Big thanks to all of you who attended Spring Training Conference North and South. Both events had record attendance and were amazingly executed by your STC Chairs, Ruben Ruiz and Stefanie Chow. I’m sure that you learned new tips and ideas that you can utilize to push your club forward for this 2012-2013 year. Implement all that you’ve learned! Thank you to everyone who played a key role in making STC possible: workshop hosts, event volunteers, advisors, and many more. Way to go Cal-Nev-Ha! At International Convention in New Orleans, Cal-Nev-Ha rocked the house all weekend with our spirit and energy. With representation from all three states, California-NevadaHawaii upheld the tenets of CKI by volunteering at the Large Scale Service Project, hosting workshops to members of other Districts, and enjoying Cajun cuisine while bonding with new friends. Huge congratulations to all of the clubs who applied and took home awards at the convention. Over 40 different awards and several clubs also took first place! However, we only had 11 clubs apply, so let’s work towards more clubs applying and more awards at next year’s ICON in Vancouver, Canada! Another congratulations to everyone who was chosen for a district committee. I’ve gotten a chance to sit in all of the committee meetings and the work that you’ve provided has been outstanding. It’s only been a few months since you were chosen and so much has been done already in every committee. Everyone in our district should be excited and prepared to witness what these committees have planned for this upcoming year. I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful summer with the sun treating you right, but I hope that you are taking this time to get active and take part in all of the service opportunities in your communities. If you’re not in the area of your home club, get a hold of a local Circle K club and see if they are doing anything this summer. Jump on board and see what they are offering for the summer. Service and meeting new friends at other schools? Sounds amazing to me! The District Board has been working hard to ensure that the members of CNH will have the best year ever. One of the ways that our board wants to provide to our members is to provide easy accessibility to all of the resources that the District provides. With our new resource center on the CNH Website, it does just that. The J-Cloud is an online database that contains all of the wonderful resources that our District has ever put forth. We hope this will serve you as a resource in finding whatever you may need for your clubs. For this upcoming year, there will be more ways that the District Board will serve you! Summer’s not over just yet as there still our District Summer Service Social in Santa Clara, August 16-19. With so much service, leadership, and fellowship in one weekend, this is an event that you don’t want to miss. I hope to see many members at these events because they will be unlike any other event that you’ve been to before. Check out the CNH website for the latest and greatest. Lastly, big props to your Publications Editor Jennifer Lai for putting together this amazing first issue of this year’s Sunburst! Send lots of love to Jennifer for a job well done! Till then! :] Jonathan Cao-Nguyen