CMW Issue 132 132 | Page 15

Destinations International

How to work with destinations to drive event attendance


T he needs , values and priorities of event attendees are ever-changing , so to successfully drive event attendance your marketing strategies need to evolve as well . Working with destination organisations to create meaning and engagement for your events can help build word-of-mouth advertising and develop a loyal fanbase of repeat participants .

Consider using the following tips to help boost attendance at your next event :
Work with the destination organisation to uncover and market what is unique Work with the local destination organisation to identify infrastructural , cultural and human intellectual capital that are unique to the location . More than ever , attendees are aware of the value of their time and increasingly specific about where they choose to spend it . Creating an original and unique experience that allows attendees to connect with local content and the local community will help ensure that they leave with a sense of fulfillment and , ultimately , become repeat attendees at future events .
Create an interactive , experiential and welcoming environment for all Having a deep understanding of who is attending your event will help you create an experience that drives a higher return rate . This should go beyond surface-level understanding since attendees come with different learning styles , individual needs and attention spans . Work with the local destination organisation to build intentional space into your event for both planned and organic networking , collaboration and personal decompression . This will help to maximise the experience for all participants and turn attendees into ongoing event ambassadors . Every audience is different , and meeting the custom needs , wants and learning styles of all your participants will help produce long-term success .
Don ’ t just define the intention of your event , measure success and articulate it to stakeholders Examine the values of both your organisation and your attendees to create events that are values-aligned and offer opportunities for participants to see themselves as part of the bigger picture . Once you have defined the objectives of your event , proactively share it with all stakeholders , especially attendees . Be sure to take a holistic approach when measuring the success of the event – depending on your event goals and intentions , there are important measures of success beyond standard metrics such as attendance . Also , remember that success will look different to each stakeholder . Communicating through all stages of the event cycle will increase the likelihood that participants will feel informed and comfortable attending the event .
Consider the option of co-location When planning your event , be sure to consider possibilities offered by colocation . Co-location is an opportunity to partner with non-competitive or complementary organisations to expand availability , secure prime dates and locations , decrease costs and offer attendees the opportunity to engage in multiple events at one time that could enhance their experience and benefit them professionally . Work with the local destination organisation to determine if there are potential date or pattern shifts that could provide an opportunity to maximise the success for all .
These approaches will help elevate your next event , ensure attendee satisfaction and foster word-of-mouth endorsement and repeat participation for future events . n
n For more insights and tips to drive your event attendance , visit www . destinations international . org / attendance-driving .