Worldwide Estimated 2021 , 2022 , 2023 and 2024 In-Person Attendance Recovery Percentage vs . 2019 ( April / May Periods Each Year or streamline talent recruitment , training or retention . These initiatives often include a focus on increasing pay , offering more training , partnering with colleges and universities , using technology , and providing more flexible work schedules . for important event design , content and programming changes closer to event dates , and state that this trend is accelerating . Members deal with this in different ways . Next to assessing each request and making it work where possible , the following approaches were mentioned :
• Charge separate fees , escalate pricing or assess fee penalties
• Outline clear late changes and pricing policies in contracts and service agreements
• On-going communication with clients and partners
• Improving operational efficiency to be able to make quicker changes later in the cycle
• Add event management staff
• Infrastructure
The focus of most major capital investments by members is on renovations . A total of 52 % of members worldwide are in the planning phase for a renovation or have a renovation project already underway . Thirty one percent said they have no major capital investment development plans or
projects currently , which can be flipped around to say that 69 % of members in fact do have some type of project underway . The top three venue areas most in need of investment are meeting rooms , signage and technology .
The five-year comparison shows that signage has become more important and , somewhat surprisingly , technology has become less in focus in terms of areas that need investment . This is because many members have invested significantly in various technology capacities , platforms and services over the past few years .
Staffing A total of 45 % of members say recruiting and retaining suitable employees is extremely / very challenging . This is down from 58 % in 2023 . By far , and a continuation of the trend , it is most difficult for members to find mid-level management staff , followed by entry-level . Twenty-eight percent of members say they are challenged to find senior management as well .
Exactly half of members have undertaken a new initiative to enhance
Key insights In summary , the 2024 AIPC Membership Survey provides following key insights :
• Average event attendance levels are still below 2019 levels
• There is confidence that the meetings and events industry will thrive over the next years
• Inflation and competition are the primary risks to centre business growth
• CSR , services pricing increases , and different bookings and client market focus are the primary strategic business changes . n
n This report was prepared by Michael Hughes , managing director Research & Consulting , Access Intelligence , LLC , and Sven Bossu , CEO AIPC , and 88 member venues contributed to the study .