CMS Staffing Compliance with Facility Assessments | Page 16

CMS Staffing Compliance with Facility Assessments
Conclusion So , in conclusion , you must be proactive and start working towards the staffing guidelines now . Even with or without the minimum staffing requirements , you must have sufficient competent nurse staffing to ensure residents are receiving appropriate care and services . This is acuity-based staffing . Don ’ t forget you must also take into consideration resident preferences such as bathing frequency when determining staffing levels and needed skill sets . Review and update your Facility Assessment to ensure you are meeting the additional requirements .
At HealthStream we are here to assist . Quality Manager can provide you with the tools you need to run your QAPI program effectively and efficiently and assists with regulatory compliance by utilizing our interactive QAPI Tools , such the Facility Assessment , QAPI Plan and Performance Improvement Project template workflows .
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