CMS Staffing Compliance with Facility Assessments | Page 11

CMS Staffing Compliance with Facility Assessments
The mix of stays provides the most basic information about the care that will be important in your facility . The “ frequency ” column in the Admission / Stay Summary will give you an idea of how your facility compares with others in the nation on the types of stays that you have . The frequency also gives you an indication of the conditions that you may need to prioritize in regard to staff training and facility resources , so that you are prepared to take care of the residents that will likely reside in your center .
At any given time , you will have a unique mix of residents whose needs you will have to be prepared to meet . While this mix changes from day to day or week to week , having the staff and other resources available to adjust to these changes will enable you to have the capacity to accommodate these changing needs . Knowing the conditions of the residents you have been caring for in the prior year is probably the best indicator of the type of residents you will likely be caring for in the upcoming year . If there is a gradual change in the types of residents being admitted to your center , these trends will show up as changes in the frequency of various conditions .
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