JA NUA R Y 2 0 1 5
V o lum e 2 8 , Iss u e 1
Citizens Memorial Healthcare Facility is an affiliate of CMH, Bolivar, Mo., 417-326-6000
Facility Location: 1218 West Locust, Bolivar, Mo. 65613, 417-326-7648
Resident of the Month
Activity Photos
Employee Spotlight
Calendar of Events
New Residents
Our Mission
Caring for every generation
through exceptional services by
leading physicians and a
compassionate healthcare team.
Our Vision
Be the first choice for customer
focused healthcare to every
Our Values
I am
P ositive
R espectful
I nnovative
D edicated
E mpowered
Together, we are CMH PRIDE!
Sandra Buchanan,
Resident of the Month
Sandy was born on July 31, 1940, to Elston and
Vera Buchanan in Springfield, Mo. She has one
brother, Danny Buchanan, and one sister Carolyn
Vanhorn, both of Buffalo. Growing up, Sandy also
had a cocker spaniel named “Blackey.” A graduate
of Central High School, Sandy was involved in choir
where she sang alto.
Even as a child, Christmas has always been
Sandy’s favorite holiday. She recalls many fond
memories about visiting her grandparents during
this time of the year. One of Sandy’s favorite stories
happened she was 7 or 8 years old. She recalls her
father going outside while she and her siblings
Sandra Buchanan
waited inside the house. He was shortly followed by
her mother. Curious, Sandy peered out the window and saw her mother giving
Santa Claus a kiss. From that day on, the song “I saw mother kissing Santa
Claus” has been her favorite Christmas tune. In 1953, Sandy remembers her
uncle getting her parents a 13 inch television. She remembers the excitement
that filled the room, and to her, that was the “Best Christmas Ever.”
In 1957, Sandy met her future husband, Darrell Seitz on the city bus in
Springfield. At that time, Springfield was known as “The All American City.”
Sandy and Darrell rode the same bus and struck up a conversation. That
conversation would eventually blossom into marriage. Sandy and Darrell were
blessed with three beautiful sons, Wayne, Michael, and Mark Seitz, and now
blessed with six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Sandy attended
college and graduated in 1965 as an LPN. She worked at Cox Hospitals for
more than 25 years eventually retiring in 2006.
A member of the CMHCF family since September 2014, Sandy enjoys
visiting with her peers, playing Bingo and attending Bible Study. Her favorite
foods here are the onion rings, fried shrimp and the chocolate pan pie. She
would like to give many thanks to all the caring staff. According to Sandy,
“Everyone here has good hearts. I really appreciate everyone in the Physical
Therapy Department, they have helped me so much.” Congratulations to Sandy
for being named CMHCF’s the Resident of the Month!