CMHCF Residents' Review February 2017

Residents ’ Review

February 2017 Volume 30 , Issue 2
Citizens Memorial Healthcare Facility is an affiliate of CMH , Bolivar , Mo ., 417-326-6000 Facility Location : 1218 West Locust , Bolivar , Mo . 65613 , 417-326-7648
I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E Resident of the Month 1 Activity Photos 2 Employee Spotlight 3 Announcements 4 Calendar of Events 5 Birthdays 6 New Residents 6 Discharges 6 Sympathy 6
Our Mission Caring for every generation through exceptional services by leading physicians and a compassionate healthcare team .
Our Vision Be the first choice for customer focused healthcare to every generation .
Our Values
I am ... P ositive R espectful I nnovative D edicated E mpowered
Together , we are CMH PRIDE !

JV & Ruth Wommack , R e s i d e n t o f t h e M o n t h

Ruth was born Nov . 25 , 1929 , to Hobard and Clara , and JV was born Aug . 7 , 1930 , to Jewel and Vesta ; both born in Bolivar .
They first met at the Bolivar skating rink , but knew each other from school . The Wommacks both played in the school band , Ruth played the baritone horn and JV played the saxophone horn . The couple married when they were 16 and 17 years old and they celebrated their 70 th wedding anniversary on Jan . 24 , 2017 .
The Wommacks have two wonderful sons , Brad and Joey , and five grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren . Ruth says she ’ s very happy they found each other .
The couple opened Wommack Monument Company in 1954 . They grew their business and helped many people along the way , making many new friends . Ruth shares that one gentleman started working for them when he was 17 years old and he is now in his 60s and is still working for them because they are such good people to work for . In 1973 , the Wommacks built their new facility on Springfield Avenue in Bolivar , and have four locations : Bolivar ; Monet ; Springfield ; and Aurora .
In later years , the Wommacks purchased a fifth wheel camper , and enjoyed traveling to such places as Alaska , Tucson , and Florida . Ruth shared that they enjoyed every trip . The couple also flew to England , Scotland , and Whales , and loved that trip , too . “ We even looked for the Loch Ness Monster , but didn ’ t find it ,” laughs Ruth .
The Wommacks are members of First Baptist Church and are wonderful members of the community . Ruth loved to cook and bake ; always making her friends and family homemade fried apricot and peach pies .
The Wommacks joined the CMHCF family January 2016 . They enjoy all the good food here , having had met several new good friends , and the overall sense of security they feel at CMHCF .
Congratulations to JV and Ruth Wommack for being CMHCF Residents of the Month .