A PR I L 2 0 1 5
V o lum e 2 8 , Iss u e 4
Citizens Memorial Healthcare Facility is an affiliate of CMH, Bolivar, Mo., 417-326-6000
Facility Location: 1218 West Locust, Bolivar, Mo. 65613, 417-326-7648
Resident of the Month
Activity Photos
Employee Spotlight
Calendar of Events
New Residents
Our Mission
Caring for every generation
through exceptional services by
leading physicians and a
compassionate healthcare team.
Our Vision
Be the first choice for customer
focused healthcare to every
Our Values
I am
P ositive
R espectful
I nnovative
D edicated
E mpowered
Together, we are CMH PRIDE!
Dewey and Leota Amlin,
Resident of the Month
Dewey was born in 1927 and was
raised in Hickory County just outside
Preston, Mo. He attended Pleasant
Hill, a small one-room school. Dewey
recalls walking more than two miles
to get there. It wasn’t long before he
started attending a new school in
Wheatland, Mo. Dewey recalls, with a
Dewey and Leota Amlin
laugh, the first time he taught how to
use the “out of this world” indoor plumbing. In 1951, Dewey moved to Kansas
City and worked at the Western House Corporation where he building jet
Leota was born in Terence, Kan. Growing up, Leota, who was born blind,
was very shy. She attended the School for the Blind in St. Louis, Mo. During
her senior year, Leota transferred to the Roosevelt School in Kansas City.
After graduation, while still living in Kansas City, she worked in an auto
lights factory. It wasn’t until she received Heather, her first assist dog, that
she came out of her shell. For the first time, Leota felt independent and has never
felt that fear again. Leota and her dogs enjoyed walks in her neighborhood, hikes
in the woods of the Ozark Highlands and getting to work every day. She
remembers one winter, while working in Springfield, it had snowed several
inches. Due to the weather, she and her assist dogs were the only ones that
had shown up to work.
In September 1951, Leota crossed paths Dewey. The couple took a shine
to each other and were married in November 1952 at the Methodist Church in
Bolivar. The couple made Bolivar their home until 1974 when they decided to
move to Jefferson City. While there, Leota worked at the Missouri State
Penitentiary where she taught Braille and Dewey was a maintenance supervisor
at the Thomas Jefferson Regional Library.
They spend their days together at CMHCF listening to books on tape,
visiting with their neighbors and with each other. Congratulations to Dewey
and Leota on being the April’s Residents of the Month!