CMAE Management Development Programme brochure | Page 9

9 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME e. GOLF MANAGEMENT FOR CLUB MANAGERS This course is aimed at Managers with particular responsibility for successful golf operations. By attending this course, delegates will learn to maximize their working relationship with the key personnel employed in this area of the business, including the Course Manager, Professional and Club Manager. The course will cover in detail areas such as agronomy, golf shop operations, merchandising, fleet management, tournament operations and business planning to fit with the club’s overall aims and traditions. Delegates will have a thorough understanding of the history, evolution and future trends of the golf industry, to better serve their clubs and committees. f. COURSE DATES AND VENUES The CMAE is working with our national and regional partners across Europe to deliver MDP courses at venues throughout the continent that are convenient and cost-effective. At the time of going to print, MDP courses are being staged regularly in Scotland, Spain, France, Italy, Ireland and England. Please refer to our website for dates on a upcoming events. COURSE CONTENT • • • • • • • • • • Working with your course manager Agronomic conditions Environmental challenges History and rules of golf for club managers Golf retail operations and merchandising Golf tournament operations Business planning Working with your golf pro Golf tuition as a business The business of golf carts For details of forthcoming courses, including dates, venues and costs, please visit Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world Nelson Mandela