CMAE Management Development Programme brochure | Page 7

7 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME CMAE Courses a. MDP PART 1 – CLUB OPERATIONS This first training course on the Management Development Programme will help managers to explore the basic elements of their profession in a comprehensive manner. There is a pragmatic, hands-on approach, ideal for managers who are new to post, recently appointed or who simply wish to enhance their knowledge of all ten core competencies, so that they may better serve their clubs and committees in every area of the club business. COURSE CONTENT • Club governance – the structure, the process and the politics • Marketing for clubs – attracting members and visitors. Effective communications inc. Social Media. • Statutory compliance and risk management • The food and beverage basics –in house or outsourced • Introduction to club accounting and budgeting • The importance of service in private clubs • Effective management and delegation • Golf operations and course maintenance • The basics of strategic planning • Facility maintenance • Creating member events. • Career development b. MDP PART 2 – BUILDING AND MANAGING THE CLUB TEAM This course will help Club Managers to improve their management and critical thinking skill levels including time management, negotiation, team building and conflict resolution. The course is applicable to all levels of Club Manager who wish to enhance their knowledge in areas including managerial accounting, club technology and social media, food and beverage trends, environmental requirements/opportunities and business writing. There will be particular focus on developing the strategic plan for your club, and ensuring that your team is adequately managed, supported and motivated to achieve the club’s ambitions. An optional (diploma) examination is available to delegates who wish to evidence their learning. COURSE CONTENT • • • • • • • • • • Strategic/Business planning Successful committee strategies Staff performance management/motivation systems. Building the team Time and stress management Managing conflict & managing relationships Negotiation techniques Communicating club decisions & business writing Lessons to learn from a Management/Leadership case study Guiding the politics of governance Manager survival techniques - from those who know • Examination The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change Carl Rogers