CMAE Management Development Programme brochure | Page 12
Association credits are awarded for a member’s support of, and
participation in, CMAE and Affiliated Association activity. For example:
membership of the CMAE and/or one of our affiliate partners,
participation on committees, writing articles or giving presentations,
attending AGMs and showing active support for their industry
For the purposes of this CCM eligibility requirement, an applicant
must have worked in a management capacity at a club for at least
six years. This can be in a supervisory or management role, including
a department head, assistant manager or deputy or trainee
management role.
All new CCM designations are awarded for a period of five years.
CCMs are required to earn at least 120 Education and/or Association
Credits during the five-year period following their CCM award, to
maintain their CCM designations. CCMs meeting these requirements
will maintain the designation for another five-year period.
To be eligible to sit the CCM exam you need to have 1. A minimum
of 300 Education / Association credits, 2. Attendance at at least one
CMAA World Conference 3. A minimum of six years experience in a
management position at a club and 4. The completion of 4 out of the
5 Management development programmes as detailed below •
CMAE Club Management Parts One and Two;
Either CMAE Golf Management for Club Managers
or CMAE F & B Management for Club Managers
CMAE Strategy & Leadership
Education is an ornament in prosperity
and a refuge in adversity
For full details of these eligibility conditions, and to read details of
exam procedures, sample questions and a sample case study, please
visit The CCM Registration Form can also
be downloaded from this website.
To register for courses and for more information, please visit