By DAVID Watterson |
THERE is an old Latin quote that says , β Vocatus atque non vocatus Deus aderit ,β and I used to have a copy of it hanging in my office . It was first shared by a Renaissance scholar named Desiderius Erasmus , who claimed it was spoken as a Spartan proverb . The eminent psychologist , Carl Jung , had a copy hanging over the door to his house to remind himself that the awe of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom ( Psalms 111:10 ).
Had I remembered that quote on that faith-filled Friday night in June a few weeks ago , I would have shared it with you . The Latin translation to this quote is something along the lines of , β Bidden or unbidden , God is present .β Others put the modern translation as , β Called upon or not , God is still there .β
I share this with you because , once again , the men and women of CMA have shown an extraordinary amount of faithfulness to not only the ministry but also to believers around the world . At Global Christian Relief ( GCR ), we truly serve millions that none of us will ever see on this side of Glory . Most of their stories will go untold , and many of them will sacrifice more than we could ever imagine . But many , so many , will not spend their lives without access to the Word of God ! Because God is still with them .
Because of you , tens of thousands
of men and women in some of the darkest countries in the world will have their first access to the Bible . Something that we have many copies of and can buy in stores all around the country , they will have their first , and for many , their only access to the words that God shared with man . And it was all provided by a bunch of motorcycle-riding Jesus freaks at CMA ! Once again , you have been faithful to the faithful . To those who have never seen God β s Word , you have given them the ability to see and study it through the tens of thousands of Bibles that can now be distributed . To those who have never heard God β s voice in Scripture , you have given them hearing through the thousands of digital audio Bibles that can now be used . To those who love the Lord with all their heart , mind , and soul , you have given them the opportunity to deepen their faith like never before because they finally have a copy of the Bible . Believers around the world can now realize the truth of Erasmus β s saying , β Bidden or unbidden , God is present .β
You know , as I sit here writing this , it suddenly strikes me that I β ve only had the privilege of being present when someone receives their first Bible once . It was in Armenia , many years ago , and the recipient was a Yezidi Kurd who had lost two children to botulism and still had a wife and 11 kids to provide for . The loss of these two
oldest took a heavy toll , but I remember when he came to faith in Christ and when he received his first Bible . It β s a scene I β ll never forget . As is the last time I ever saw him , when I last left his village . He was a shepherd , and my last sight of him was in the fields , with his staff and Bible , tending his sheep .
That is such a powerful scene in my mind and heart , and one that will now take place in countries around the world , such as Nepal , Chad , China , India , Mexico , Mali , Iran , North Korea , and others . And it β s all because you , CMA , were faithful and obedient to what God has called us to do . My favorite verse , and one I have preached from at CMA events , is Micah 6:8 ( NIV ). β And what does the Lord require of you ? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God .β Again , you have shown the truth of this verse .
Thank you again for being such amazing partners and friends . You have helped to establish Run for the Son as an event that has world-reaching implications in dozens of countries in the amount of over $ 100,000,000.00 ! That is something only God can create ! You are friends to me and the persecuted , and you are partners in the work . God bless you all ! And thank you for showing the persecuted that , bidden or unbidden , God is still present . CMA
David Watterson is the Director of Mobilization for Global Christian Relief .
09βͺSEPTEMBER 2024βͺwww . cmausa . org |