CMA HeartBeat September 2024 | Page 13



By BILL Snell

AGRICULTURE teaches us much about how the Kingdom of God operates . In many ways , the harvest depicts God ’ s plan , purpose , and method of redeeming lost humanity .

In the garden of Eden , God blessed Adam and Eve , saying , β€œ Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it , and have dominion …” ( Genesis 1:28 , ESV ). Prior to β€œ the fall ,” God exhorted Adam and Eve to eat of the β€œ tree of life ” and reject the β€œ tree of the knowledge of good and evil ,” Jesus was the β€œ tree of life ” ( notice the agricultural metaphors ).
Approximately 2,500 years later , God delivered His people through Moses out of 400 years of Egyptian slavery and bondage . He describes to Moses the β€œ promised land ” as one β€œ flowing with milk and honey ” ( Exodus 33:3 ).
Fifteen hundred years later , Jesus , the Messiah , identifies Himself as the β€œ bread of life ” ( John 6:35 ), often conveying principles of the Kingdom of God through His teachings using agricultural metaphors ; β€œ I am the vine , you are the branches . My Father is the vinedresser ” ( John 15:5a ; 1b , NASB ).
Regarding faith , Jesus likened it to a β€œ mustard seed ” ( Matthew 17:20 ).
By casual observance , faith may seem small and seemingly insignificant
. Yet , there is latent power within faith , like the unseen life within the seed . Unless the seed dies , the life within isn ’ t realized and released .
Faith frequently comes to a place of death within each of us . Our eyes become distracted by overwhelming evidence to the contrary , our hearts feel heavy and unsure , and doubts work to uproot the fledgling seed of faith within us . Yet , there remains unimaginable power and life within that seed .
Once faith as small as a mustard seed is acted upon , miraculous things are the result – mountains that stood in opposition are cast into the sea .
Similarly , Run for the Son ’ s yearly efforts begin small and many times seem insignificant . However , over the last 37 years , the β€œ God factor ” engages , the Holy Spirit anoints , and the promises of God begin to unfold as individual seeds of faith are put in action .
Our storied ministry partnership between CMA and MVI produced the Transportation Program as we now know it , occurring 37 years ago . What was small in the beginning has become a mighty tool of faith in action as it has been held in the hands of God , not ours , to bring about miraculous results year after year .
RFS isn ’ t a program ; it ’ s a movement !
Here are some of the results from last year :
β€’ 691 modes of transportation provided to indigenous pastors , church planters , and evangelists having no adequate form of transportation
β€’ 6,900 churches planted
β€’ 58 countries impacted
β€’ Over 20,000,000 salvations since RFS gifts of transportation began Can you hear the Heavens rejoicing ? If we don ’ t cry out with jubilee , celebrating God ’ s power and love shown through these Kingdom exploits , the very rocks will cry out in our stead .
I ’ ve said it before : we are witnessing an β€œ acceleration effect ” globally as the Spirit of God anoints men and women who are going into all the world preaching the Gospel , making disciples , and laying their lives down for Jesus ’ sake .
Providing suitable and dependable transportation for these precious ones is an honor that CMA and MVI share . I love you , CMA ! Please don ’ t succumb to discouragement when times are tough and your RFS efforts seem futile and laborious . God is in charge .
β€œ Faithful is He who calls you , and He also will do it ” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:24 , NASB ).
With much love , admiration , and devotion . CMA
Bill Snell serves as President of Missionary Ventures International .
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