CMA HeartBeat September 2024 | Page 11



VALLADOLID , MEXICO In February 2024 , Karen and I , with some Gospel patrons , served alongside a partner ministry – The Message for Mayans – to help start three new church plants in three neighboring villages .
Saturday night in Xtobil , the first village , we showed the Story of Jesus for Children ( SJFC ). Almost half the town β€˜ s population came to watch the movie and hear it spoken in their native language , Mayan . We showed Magdalena on the following two evenings : Sunday evening in Spanish and Monday evening in Mayan .
A wonderful surprise took place the second night . Before
showing the movie , the church planter and his wife briefed all of us on their game plan . Karen recognized his voice and face and realized that five years earlier , on our first CMA mission trip , he received a motorcycle from MVI , a backpack and other equipment from Jesus Film Project , and other resources from Global Christian Relief . Since 2019 , they have planted five churches , and we were there to help them start number six .
Throughout three evenings , 417 people saw one of the movies , and 181 indicated that they trusted Jesus as their Savior . Each number represents a life that heard the Gospel in their heart language and responded in
some way .
The follow-up after a film showing is immediate and essential . Local pastors or missionaries will get the contact information in the village so they can follow up with new believers and connect with those seeking to know more about Jesus .
It ' s all about Jesus and each one of us working together in partnership to reach everyone , everywhere . Whether in our own country , in the heart of Nepal , the Yucatan Peninsula , or throughout the world β€” we are working together to give everyone , everywhere , the opportunity to hear the Gospel in their heart language and trust Jesus as their Savior .
CMA family , THANK YOU for your prayers and investment through Run for the Son ! Your ministry is not a one-and-done event , but rather , it β€˜ s a personal catalyst that kick-starts evangelism and discipleship . Your ministry has an eternal , ongoing , and accelerated impact throughout the world . You make a huge difference in reaching people with the Gospel and helping them become rooted , grounded , and established in the faith ! We appreciate you and thank God for you ! CMA
Eli and Karen Perez , Eli serves as Developement Representative of Jesus Film Project .
11βŽͺSEPTEMBER 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org