RFS Ministry Partner
Run Ministries (Reaching
Unreached Nations)
Working in North Africa and the
Middle East, RUN used the JESUS
film to plant 2,073 new house
churches in 2016 with nearly
29,000 people surrendering their
lives to Christ!
Through the use of the JESUS
film, ministry teams reach out to
Unengaged, Unreached People
Groups, referred to by some as
UUPGs—those who have never
heard the gospel. These teams
plant churches within their UUPG
communities, using the JESUS film
and follow-up discipleship tools.
ZERA Missions International
Another UUPG partner, ZERA
Missions International supports
church planting among indigenous
people groups. Through its partner-
ship with Jesus Film®, it takes the
story of Jesus to unreached com-
munities in Africa.
“Elizabeth’s Story” (Africa)
Living as a fourth wife in West
Africa was not unusual. After
Elizabeth gave birth to her son,
however, she craved more for her
family. Nearly two years ago,
Elizabeth saw the JESUS film, and
she and her son immediately decid-
ed to follow Christ. But because her
husband fiercely followed Islam,
her newfound faith resulted in
Elizabeth and her son’s exile from
their home.
Despite her hardship, Elizabeth
invited her friends to a showing of
JESUS. Several of them attended
the showing, and Elizabeth prayed
they would not fear persecution.
After watching JESUS, her
friends expressed interest in
accepting Christ, but their fear of
harassment from loved ones held
them back. Elizabeth told them it
was all worth it and encouraged
them to seek God further.
When the ZERA ministry team
heard of Elizabeth’s plight, they
gave her follow-up materials and
trained her to disciple others.
Today, Elizabeth leads a secret fel-
lowship group with her friends.
Soon she will attend a local confer-
ence to learn how to continue min-
istering to women in her communi-
ty and beyond.
Refugee Outreach in Lebanon
“The foreigner residing among
you must be treated as your
native-born. Love them as yourself,
for you were foreigners in Egypt. I
am the Lord your God” (Leviticus
19:34, NIV).
Jesus Film Project® is daily
reaching scores of non-believers in
Lebanon, including hundreds of
thousands of refugees from neigh-
boring, war-torn Syria and Iraq.
Jesus Film® workers and partners
endeavor to make Christ’s love
known by meeting physical needs,
distributing evangelistic materials
and starting spiritual conversations
via JESUS , Magdalena: Released
From Shame and Rivka .
To date, 1.5 million refugees
have fled to Lebanon. Jesus Film
workers partner with local church-
es to distribute clothes, mattresses,
food vouchers and other basic
necessities provided through RFS.
Jesus Film teams and partners
have ongoing contact with more
than 40,000 families.
In just one distribution center,
multiple Magdalena and Rivka
screenings occur every day. Teams
have distributed nearly 7,000
JESUS DVDs and 2,500 New
Testaments, and hosted 65 film
showings. These showings and dis-
tributions have exposed more than
33,000 Syrian refugees to the
gospel. Nearly 1,000 have indicat-
ed a decision to follow Him! Praise
the Lord for using CMA in a very
dark area of the world!
“A Jacket and Jesus” -a story
Abdel approached the distribu-
tion center in Lebanon, wondering
if he could find something warm to
wear. Cold and shivering, he didn’t
have a jacket—and winter was in
full swing. One of many refugees
fleeing war zones in places like
Syria and Iraq, Abdel quietly asked
one of the workers for some warm
clothes. They happily obliged.
Then Abdel noticed some books
lying about. Team members gave
him a copy of the New Testament
and a “Jesus in the Bible” booklet.
Abdel returned a month later,
proclaiming how Scripture had
brightened his life and given him
hope. He also recognized several
biblical names from stories in his
own religion—but the Christian sto-
ries were entirely different.
(continue on page 28)
Please do not reprint, republish, or post the contents of this article without written permission from Jesus Film Project ® .
One day Mili encountered a
Timothy Initiative church planter
who told her the good news of
Jesus. Mili and her husband
watched the JESUS film with the
church planter. Immediately, the
blinders fell from their eyes—God
loved them and wanted to know
them intimately! Both Mili and her
husband surrendered their lives to
Jesus that day.
Mili finally found the answer she
was looking for—hope for each of
her days. Excited about her new
faith, Mili burned the temple she
had built for her gods, and closed
her fortune-telling business. Mili
now wants to serve God alone, and
spends her days telling others
about Jesus.