From the CEO
By JOHN Ogden Sr
CMA team, this
year’s Run for the
Son celebration was the best ever and I am thankful for
all you have done to invest in changing the world, one
heart at a time. With this year’s efforts, the worldwide
impact of Run for the Son has been increased. We
asked the question – what does this really mean in a
quantitative view? This year, you raised $4,769,143.37
for Run for the Son. This allows us to make an invest-
ment of over $900,000 into each of our ministry part-
<1000 1000-1499 1500-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000+
10,194 761 160 183 55 121
$1,829,813.55 $842,674.95 $267,762.54 $443,237.78 $182,968.98 $826,103.34
Jesus Film Viewers 4,163,759 1,590,238 505,303 836,448 345,287 1,558,966
Salvations 462,640 176,693 56,145 92,939 38,365 173,218
Ministered to 288,506 110,187 35,012 57,957 23,925 108,020
74,022 28,271 8,983 14,870 6,138 27,715
216 82 26 43 18 81
Modes of
ners with the remaining funds being invested in evan-
gelizing the motorcycling world. But when you break
those numbers down into their areas of impact, the
results are staggering. What God accomplishes with
every dollar invested is beyond any numbers we could
ever put on a chart. Still, every member, every partici-
pant has had a global impact on ministry around this
nation and around the world and we want to take a
few minutes to reflect on just a bit of what God is
doing with the funds raised.
You will see in our largest category of participants,
those who raised less than a $1000, that no matter if
you participated with $0.01 or $999.99, your effort,
combined with the efforts of thousands of others, has
had an astounding impact on ministry. CMA is a grass
roots ministry, where everything that everyone does is
important. This proves God’s principle that we are called
to be in community with one another and that our
efforts, joined with others, multiplies the overall effect.
We celebrate what God is doing through the CMA team.
For our other categories of supporters, it is plain to
see just how impactful your efforts have been and will
be around the world as the funds are invested in min-
istry outreach. Again, it takes a team working together
with all that God has given us, to make the kind of
impact that you have made in ministry.
CMA, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for
your heart to see God’s light spread around a lost and
dying world. Thank you for your sacrifices of time, ener-
gy and finances to take the Gospel to the lost, the hurt-
ing, the forgot-
ten. I am proud
of who God has
called us to be
and I look for-
ward to serving
with you as we
continue march-
ing forward in
changing the
world, one heart
John and Becky Ogden,
at a time. CMA
John is the CMA CEO/Chairman
of the Board of Directors.