RFS National Tip
Changing the World, One Dime at a Time!
a slightly different twist on the ‘bottle of dimes’ sent
to us several years back by Cathy Badorek.
Hey New England South, have you jumped on the Dime wagon yet?
I hope so, this is one of the easiest ways to collect donations for RFS. I
know many do not like to ask for donations, but CMA uses RFS funds
to reach out to others with the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Take a leap of Faith and step out of your comfort zone. You can even
use this as an opportunity to witness and minister to others.
My husband and I have started filling our bottles and we have
given bottles to friends, who are also saving dimes for us...Start a bot-
tle today and I dare you to ask someone else to join you.
Here’s a thought, challenge your chapter’s members to compete in
the Dime Bottles. The member with the least amount of dimes at the
end of RFS cooks dinner for the chapter. Sounds yummy to me. CMA
Help others get behind RFS. Tell us what your chapter is doing to support RFS.
Every month we pick a tip or testimony to share with the rest of CMA in the HeartBeat .
Send your tips to your state RFS lead or to [email protected] or [email protected].
Region 1
Larry & Jean Bach
Region 2
Hiram Villaseñor
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Steve & Nancy Gorder Dale & Jane Harrelson Jerry & Rebecca Niver Kelly & Denise Newsome
RFS Team Leads