RFS Ministry Partner
Thank you for your partnership in
the Gospel it is working mightily!!!
Have you ever wondered how
God is using these tools to spread
the Gospel in remote areas of the
world? We keep detailed records of
the pastors and evangelists min-
istry that has resulted from the
provided transportation. We ask
the recipients to send in a yearly
report answering four questions.
1. How many salvations in the
past twelve months?
2. How many churches have
been planted?
3. How many people have you
followed up with discipleship?
4. How has the motorcycle
impacted your ministry?
Let me share a few reports that
just came in. Pa stor Lazarus in
Zambia; I love his name and this
precious gift presented by CMA
has caused him to come forth!
299 people accepted Jesus as their
Lord and Savior in his first year of
receiving the motorcycle. The pre-
vious year he shared how he had
to walk miles from village to village
and saw 50-60 people give their
lives to Christ. Due to the impact of
the motorcycle there is a 300%
difference in ministry. Truly this is
an incredible increase and impact
in souls coming to Christ.
Pastor Nadeem Victor in
Pakistan reported that for the last
year 1,000 people gave their lives
to Christ, 4 churches were planted,
and he was able to preach the
Gospel to more than 2,000 people
in four major unreached people
groups: Muslim, Hidu, Balhaeed,
and the Sargood Hindu tribes. In
his own words Pastor Nadeem
“I’m thankful to the Lord for the
blessing of Honda CD-70. The
areas where my church is located
as you can see are not in a one
city there are four different cities.
So, you can imagine how hard to
was for me to travel and share
the Gospel, revive them, make
disciples. Now praise to be the
Lord, through this great mission
tool, I’m ready to expand more
kingdom work, plant more
church and reach more tribes
and unreached people groups.
To God be the Glory!!!”
These are just two pastors given
a bike this past year, but can you
imagine the ripple effect of 13,946
pastors and evangelists spreading
the Gospel around the Globe? Do
you see how mightily God is work-
ing through your gifts to Run for
the Son?
Thank you CMA for your part-
nership in the Gospel. It is working
because of what God has done in
bringing us together to partner
effectively in ministry. On behalf of
the missionaries, pastors and
evangelists, there is no greater
privilege in partnering with CMA to
spread His glorious Gospel. As the
reports come in daily we will con-
tinue to give God the glory and
share with you how your invest-
ment is changing the world, one
heart at a time. At the end of the
day only God will be able to count
the souls, churches planted, and
impact of your part in Run for the
Son. Be reminded today, Jesus
said, “The harvest is great, but the
workers are few. So pray to the
(continue on page 29)
Run for the
Son’s gifts
over the last 35 years $15,163,931.67
has been invested into the
Kingdom. CMA has placed over
6,921 motorcycles, 6935 Bicycles,
38 horses, 38 boats, one camel,
three horse and buggies, 8 wheel-
chairs and two snowmobiles to
pastors and evangelists minister-
ing in 107 Nations. This totals
13,946 pastors and evangelists
who have been equipped with
transportation to spread the
Gospel around the globe.
Historically most of these bikes
have been given to pastors and
evangelists planting new churches
and going into new areas with the
Gospel. Transportation is a strate-
gic tool for world evangelism. Most
indigenous pastors working in jun-
gles, mountain villages, and distant
towns are limited to walking.
Statistics can be difficult to calcu-
late but typically pastors who
receive a bike will start an average
of ten churches and see an aver-
age of 180 salvations in the first
year alone; all because of your
investment into the Kingdom. I
honestly don’t know of any greater
investment into the Kingdom. Run
for the Son helps pastors and
evangelists expand their outreach,
“To the ends of the earth” (Acts
1:8b, NLT).
This year we were able to equip
471 pastors and evangelists with
382 motorcycles, 81 bicycles, 4
boats, 2 horses and 2 wheelchairs
in 41 Nations. To God be the Glory!