CMA HeartBeat October 2024 | Página 3



Here is the short story of a long journey for my fellow chapter member and friend , Jennifer Bradberry .
The story behind this picture is almost as precious as the lady on the right riding the Ryker . Jennifer is a new rider who was previously afraid of motorcycling with her husband . The Lord provided a way for her to get her own . She refused to be confined by fear . That doesn ’ t mean she didn ’ t feel fear ; it means she fought it . She gained courage and fell in love .
This is on one of her first few chapter rides . I wanted her to know how proud I was of her and encourage her , so I leaned over to give her a high five when the group stopped at a stop sign . Her husband happened to snap the pic . I ’ m proud of you , Jennifer Bradberry .
Pollyanna Young CMA Executive Assistant Sons of Thunder # 1346 Marshall , Arkansas
CMA Utah State Rally was a huge success with the largest attendance ever , celebrating the state ' s greatest Run for the Son contribution . Eli Perez with Jesus Film even joined us . There were great rides , daily devotions , services , and a community event . We blessed motorcycles and prayed for the police officers of Cache County . # cmarmr
Susan Wolsey Salt of the Earth # 1232 Salt Lake City , Utah
STURGIS 2024 Hi ! I work as a nurse near Sturgis and these two wonderful gentlemen have been amazing . Not just for our patients , but for our staff who are struggling with some tough days . Their kindness is unmatched . I can ’ t thank you enough for all that you do ! You are truly angels !
Katie Belles Sturgis , South Dakota
03⎪OCTOBER 2024⎪www . cmausa . org