CMA HeartBeat October 2024 | Page 22



Miles : 200 Ride Time : 4-5 hours Food :
Many fine choices along the route
Attractions :
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lolo Pass Selway Falls Canoe Camp Dworshak Dam Old Spiral Highway
Rick McNurlin serves as Area Rep for Idaho .
By RICK McNurlin


Lolo Trail and Lolo Pass are located on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail in the Bitterroot Mountains on the Idaho-Montana border . The pass at its highest point is at an elevation of 5,233 feet and goes from Lolo , Montana , to Weippe Prairie , Idaho ( pronounced Wee-eyep ). Following HWY 12 for 200 miles from Lolo , Montana , to Lewiston , Idaho , gets you to the lowest point in Idaho at 745 feet , with an elevation drop of almost 4,500 feet . This is a far cry from the elevation of the highest peak in Idaho at 12,662 feet , but the ride is unbelievable . The scenery is breathtaking , with a smooth road and long sweeping curves bordering the beautiful Lochsa
( pronounced lock-saw ) and Clearwater rivers . The route has a deep history with the Lewis and Clark Expedition ( 1804- 1806 ).
The expedition was a federally funded venture to explore the North American West . The main purpose of the expedition was to survey the Missouri and Columbia rivers to find a route to connect the continental interior to the Pacific Ocean . At Lolo Pass , Lewis and Clark spent 11 of their most difficult days of the Expedition due to harsh weather , dangerous terrain , and near-starvation . Here , the Nez Perce Indians provide food , information , and guides for the Expedition . Lewis and Clark wrote in their journal how many of the 22βŽͺOCTOBER 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org