CMA HeartBeat October 2023 | Page 6



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Chuck and Susie Gerdes are the State Coordinators for Pennsylvania . They are extremely invested in the CMA Ministry and display a Christ-like walk in all they do . They always go the extra mile with a supporting attitude with the members and guests at a CMA event . We are so blessed to serve alongside them in the Northeast Region for the glory of our Lord .
Peter and Laura
Peter and Laura Helgerson oversee the Northeast Region as National Evangelist .


face the truth : if we interact with other people in this world , we will have conflict at some point in our lives . I do not believe we can always avoid conflict , but we can work to resolve the conflict quickly . We have become a society of β€œ I want what I want , and I want it right now . It does not matter what anyone else wants , just me .” Most conflicts result from an issue or thing in one ’ s life that has become an idol , and our pride will not get rid of it . Apart from God , anything you need to have in your life for your happiness is an idol . Every idol requires the same thing : a sacrifice . The most common sacrifice is our close relationships with others , especially other believers . This is when the conflict begins to grow . I have learned to apply these four steps to resolve the conflicts I face .
Not that I have perfected their use , but when they are used , they work at resolving the conflict .
1 ) Glory to God : We need to seriously look at the conflict and ascertain if this gives glory to God . Are we seeking our will when we should be seeking God ’ s ?
2 ) Get Real with Ourselves : Okay , so I may not be responsible for 100 % of the conflict between another . I may be only 5 % at fault , but I need to own 100 % of the 5 % that is mine . I cannot lay all the blame on the other person when I am part of the issue . As hard as it seems , a good start at this point is to ask forgiveness from the other person for the part of the conflict that I own . ( Luke 6:42a , NIV ) First , remove β€œ the plank in your own eye .”
3 ) Get Out the Speck : How can I help the other person in this conflict see their part of the issue ? What can I do to help them engage in the resolution process ? Many times , when we are quick to ask forgiveness for our part , they are also willing to accept their part . ( Luke 6:42b , NIV ) Then you can β€œ see clearly to remove the speck from your brother ’ s eye .”
4 ) Get Together : I need to give forgiveness . It is a hard thing , but it can be so freeing . Forgiving another does not erase our memory of the issue but gives us peace to allow God to deal
with it . Here are four promises that are needed for forgiveness . a . I will not dwell on this incident . b . I will not use this incident against you . c . I will not talk to others about this incident . d . I will not allow this incident to come between us or hamper our relationship .
These are not casual suggestions but life-changing ideas .
The first is a heart promise ; the other three are transactional components . These also do not remove any physical consequences that may be required because of the incident , but that is not a condition for forgiveness to be given . We will need to be diligent to work at healing the relationship between us and them , but isn ’ t that what God expects us to do ? This could be the very thing that brings someone to the saving knowledge of Christ in their life . CMA
Chuck and Susie Gerdes serve as State Coordinators for Pennsylvania .
References taken from Resolving Everyday Conflict : Ken Sande & Kevin Johnson Peacemakers Ministry