CMA HeartBeat October 2023 | Page 25



By TERRY Russell
RESTART BATTERY you ever left your key

HAVE in the ignition of your motorcycle only to return to a disabled bike with a dead battery ? I have . Twice . Once was down at the National Rally in Hiawassee , Georgia heading out for the afternoon to ride the Dragon . We stopped at the McDonald ’ s down the street for a quick lunch and then on to the legendary Dragon . Thanks to me we got started late . I ride a Honda ST1300 and I need to remove a lot of Tupperware to get to the battery . We tried push starting it in the parking lot . No luck . I had my handy bike-size jumper cables and I got my tools out and started removing stuff , still in the McDonald ’ s parking lot and still apologizing to my riding partners for the delay .

So when I needed a new battery last year I was pretty easy to convince when I saw the AntiGravity Lithium-ion re-start battery . If the battery power runs too low , it goes into sleep mode . Then you just push a button on top of the battery to activate it and abracadabra , you have enough power to start your bike . Of course , some of the magic is lost if your battery is a pain to get to . Not to worry , they also make a
$ 19 remote that you plug into the connector for the battery tender , flip a switch , and the magic happens underneath all the Tupperware .
That was the theory , but I had an opportunity to put it to the test . I had some work to do on some extra running lights and to find the positive wires and later check the connections I had the key in the on position off and on . Sure enough , I eventually ran the battery down . I was glad to put AntiGravity to the test in my garage and not in a McDonald ’ s parking lot . I took the remote out of my top box , plugged it in , flipped the switch , and my bike started like a champ .
If you can change a battery , you can intall this re-start battery . The only thing different is that it is smaller and lighter . When you pick it up it is hard to believe it is a real battery . AntiGravity sells spacers , but I used some material I had around my garage . It is a universal fit , there are 4 posts to pick the positive and negative posts that line up with your bike . Mine cost me $ 199 and it was worth every penny .
One caution , if you want the $ 19 remote , order it at the same time or they will charge $ 30 shipping and handling on your $ 19-part . Another added cost is that you will need a battery tender designed for lithium-ion batteries , they are not interchangeable . I just made a second purchase for a lightweight MicroStart Jump Starter rated to start a 7.3 liter diesel to carry on camping trips . It is small and easy to carry .
You can order yours at antigravitybatteries . com , and they have a battery finder on the website to find the right battery for your bike . CMA
Terry Russell is a member of Western Maryland Watchmen # 744 , Cumberland , Maryland .
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