FOUR ELEMENTS want to start by saying that it is
I a privilege and an honor for my wife and me to become the new Evangelist team for the South Central Region . I want to talk about the four elements of a healthy chapter . I know what you ' re thinking . You have heard and talked about this since you joined CMA . I want to go a little deeper into this thought process . The first and most important first element is prayer . We must pray before we do anything at all . We need to pray for our chapter and our members every day . Our members are people who have problems just like the rest of the world . We must hold each other up in prayer and stand in the gap for each other . This will also strengthen our bond as brothers and sisters and chapter members . We discover what is going on in each other ' s lives , rejoice together , and walk through the tough times together because we are family . Before we attend an event , we need to pray for doors to open , the people working , and those attending . Praying for people at the event assures them that God cares about them , and so do you .
The second element , and just as important , is fellowship . This is a fun element to talk about because we , as chapter members , cannot go out and minister if we are not healthy . We already talked about prayer , but now we get to add fun to the mix , such as going on dinner rides together , and don ' t forget the
ice cream ! ( lol ) You can have a family fun night at a member ' s house , go to the movies together , or do anything to have fun . We need to do something to enjoy being around each other .
The third element is evangelism . This is where the rubber meets the road . We can evangelize no matter where we are or what we are doing . We get to tell people about Jesus Christ and what He has done for us ! I hear people say they don ' t know how to witness to someone or what to say . The truth is you can always start by telling them what Jesus has done for you . Remember , if you are talking to a lost biker , don ' t speak in church terms , asking things like , " Have you been saved ?" or " Have you been born again ?" This may not make any sense to them . A question that has worked for me is this : " If you were to suddenly step off of a calendar and into eternity , where would you be ?" Depending on their answer , you can show them God ' s promise of love and forgiveness in the Bible and assure them that there is nothing in their past that God won ' t forgive . God gives everybody another chance and a new life if they will just accept Jesus Christ . Remind them that Jesus transforms us into a new creation .
The fourth element is discipleship . This is something that we sometimes forget . Once they have accepted Jesus , we rejoice with them and move on , but this would be like a woman telling her newborn baby to have a good life and
walking away without raising the baby . We must try to get new Christians plugged in so they can start their new adventure as a child of the Lord of the angel armies . I pray this gives you a few new thoughts on this subject .
I look forward to serving with you in this wonderful ministry in which God has placed us . CMA