CMA HeartBeat October 2021 | Page 28



( continued from page 06 ) at the catch of fish ( v . 9 ). They must have been very stunned , but Jesus said , " Don ' t be afraid ; from now on you will fish for people " ( Luke 5:10b , NIV ). They sensed and saw it was a vision worth going for : " So they pulled their boats up on shore , left everything and followed him " ( Luke 5:11 , NIV ). Has that happened to you ? Have you experienced the moment when you realized where the Lord has you involved is truly a vision worth going for ?
The first disciples , the fishermen , saw firsthand what Jesus could do , leading them to leave the family business , what they knew , and engage in a new business , fishing for men ! Friends , loving the motorcyclists of your town is a vision worth pursuing . In fact it ’ s the heart of Jesus ! Fishing for motorcyclists is a big , potentially vast vision , but remember , nothing is impossible with Jesus . Maybe it ' s time we asked the Lord for a bigger vision and a big catch of fish .
and Jennifer McPherson , Jerod serves as Vice President Evangelistic Outreach . 28⎪October 2021⎪shop . cmausa . org