CMA HeartBeat November 2021 | Page 11



By CLIF Andrus

MISSIONARYinvokes pictures in faraway places trying to do what one can for people through language barriers and cultural differences . Tales heard in childhood long ago related incidents revolving around developments with these criteria , in a land far away . Later we learn these obstacles are non-existent to God . And that the mission field is only steps away . With this in mind , we try to teach our young people to look at mission work from a much different perspective .

Considering COVID complications , our version of Vacation Bible School has been a rotating schedule for the last few years . Different teachers , classes , and activities make up the time we have these young people . Missions being one .
After hearing a sister chapter do an event to tell Bible stories , we thought we could share what CMA does in the mission field with these VBS kids . As well as let them see up close one of our tools ; the bikes .
The call went out on our state Facebook page . Invites to come join us and help us share with our young ones . Regrettably , it ended up being a rainy afternoon . Several waited on or were caught in the local deluge of afternoon thunderstorms . Nevertheless , about nine bikes and 12 riders from at least three chapters showed up relatively dry for the event .
We talked to the mission ’ s class .
• We can and do talk to people all over .
• We share our love of Jesus and follow His leading to speak , pray , share with many .
• We raise money for Run for the Son , and that money reaches around the world to share with even more people .
We let them experience our bikes . Horns were blown , questions answered , seats tried out , throttles Arkansas Area Rep , Sherry Gambrell , in her passenger position behind a new driver . I think he said they were doing 200 mph ! Of course you always take time to bless a bike . twisted , and imaginary rides taken . Smiles flashed all around . We talked more of being missionaries down on the corner , around the state , with people we chance to meet . Activity time games were delayed or didn ’ t even happen as the sessions were often all about bikes . From the ones needing help up on the seats to the near teens full of questions , stories , and smiles . Perhaps even a few adults !
Time was also spent during the mealtime mingling and meeting kids of all ages , up to the 80-yearold ones . Again , scary biker preconceived images were put aside as we talked , joked , laughed , and fellowshipped with many of the crowd . In the end , it was a huge hit with all of the VBS crew , kids , and perhaps even more so with us . This year was our second year , and we will for sure continue as often as we can . This ministry is becoming a big highlight of our VBS , enjoyed and anticipated by all . At the closing , several of the kids listed our visit as their favorite part . Some of the adults did as well .
Sharing can be fun . While we often call it working for the Lord , it doesn ’ t seem like work . Showing and sharing Jesus is often just decisions , choices that put us out there . And as in this case , so well worth it . At the closing , they also announced that the young people and leaders selected to give the VBS offerings to a new favorite ministry , Run for the Son ! Ain ’ t God good ! CMA
Clif is the chapter president of Flame Riders # 911 , out of Clinton , Arkansas .
11⎪November 2021⎪www . cmausa . org