helping us so that in the midst of the trials and struggles , we can see the miracles He is working . To be strengthened takes training under pressure . Gaining strength isn ’ t a one-time decision . It is a decision to lean upon the strength of God moment by moment and thought by thought .
As you read these articles , I encourage you to pray for our leaders in the 36 nations that represent our CMA International family today . Pray for those nations who have applications to join the CMA International family . Pray these scriptures will be evident in the CMA members and leaders worldwide . Pray that we will continue to unite as one family under the banner of Christ regardless of the difficulties and the cultural and language differences . We are all members of the body of Christ and we will all “ join together with one voice , giving praise and glory to God , the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ” Romans 15:6 ( NLT ). CMA
Holly Ogden serves as Executive International Ambassador for CMA .
We want to recognize and celebrate the following chapters who have significant milestone anniversaries this month . Thank you to our members and our chapters for all you do for the ministry !
Alpha & Omega |
290 |
5 / 15 / 1989 |
Florida |
35 |
Sonshine Road Runners |
291 |
5 / 15 / 1989 |
New Mexico |
35 |
Lions of Judah |
405 |
5 / 6 / 1994 |
Tennessee |
30 |
Kingdom Riders |
409 |
5 / 6 / 1994 |
Texas-Northeast |
30 |
Flint Area Good News Riders |
222 |
5 / 19 / 1994 |
Michigan |
30 |
High Country Riders |
346 |
5 / 26 / 1994 |
Arizona |
30 |
Forgiven Riders |
582 |
5 / 10 / 1999 |
Alabama |
25 |
Glory Land Riders |
583 |
5 / 10 / 1999 |
Pennsylvania |
25 |
King ' s Riders |
584 |
5 / 10 / 1999 |
Alabama |
25 |
Soldiers of Grace |
587 |
5 / 17 / 1999 |
Wisconsin |
25 |
Salvation Riders |
805 |
5 / 11 / 2004 |
Nebraska |
20 |
Greenbrier Valley Circuit Ride |
807 |
5 / 18 / 2004 |
West Virginia |
20 |
S . A . B . E . R . S . |
809 |
5 / 26 / 2004 |
New England |
20 |
Solid Rock Riders |
1270 |
5 / 1 / 2014 |
Michigan |
10 |
Buffalo River Faith Riders |
1271 |
5 / 1 / 2014 |
Arkansas |
10 |
To connect with a chapter near you , visit www . cmausa . org and select " Find Us " in the navigation bar .
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