CMA HeartBeat May 2023 | Page 27



By ROWIE Ledesma


Philippines , through the Lord ' s light and guidance , continuously touches the hearts of the Filipinos .
CMA Philippines has constantly been riding for the Son for the past year . As part of the CMA ministry vision , the Lord used us as the seeds to circulate and disseminate the associations ' tracks and Bibles and introduce and orient the people about CMA through different provinces in our country . For the last year , He has led and directed us to reach the island of Mindoro , where we have been actively joining and leading fellowships through the help of the churches and friends .
God truly works in wondrous ways , as there were five brothers in Christ who recently joined CMA , and seven are still in the process of membership in Mindoro . In addition , fifteen souls were saved by the Lord during the Moto Tour in Mindoro .
CMA Philippines joined in other fellowships such as church visitations , youth outreaches , the general assembly of Ambassador ' s for Christ , and a fellowship ride with the Brotherhood of Heralds ( BROH ), where we can share and grow closer with God together . CMA Philippines also launched a Bike Camp in the province of Tarlac , where we shared the Gospel and ministered to non- Christian riders .
For the first year of CMA Philippines ’ chartering , we celebrated through fellowship with the members and their families . In addition , we had a land blessing for the soon-to-rise Multipurpose Hall in the province of Cavite to be used in
God ’ s glory .
As the Lord led and kept us safe through our mission and travels , He used us to broaden His blessings for guidance and safety through bike and car blessings . He is working on the knowledge , guidance , and wisdom of the individuals interested to join CMA .
CMA Philippines is ready to face another year of challenges ; through the Lord ’ s guidance , we will continually grow and prosper . As it is written in Acts 5:42 ( NIV ), “ Day after day , in the temple courts and from house to house , they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah .”
God Bless us all ! CMA
Rowie Ledesma serves as President of CMA Philippines . 27⎪MAY 2023⎪www . cmausa . org