“ DON ’ T forget your ministry tool kit !” One of the tools implemented this year in CMA Mexico was that of the ministry tool kit : a small waterproof pouch containing such vital tools as we go out to minister . CMA Mexico has learned that you don ’ t need to be at a secular rally attended by thousands of people to minister ; we are ministers wherever we go . Being one member alone in an area or a chapter , we carry our ministry tool kit wherever we go , ready to minister when God gives us those heavenly appointments .
Now that the smoke of the pandemic has lifted and events have come back to life , CMA Mexico has seen the hand of God working to continue opening doors for ministry . These doors have been from the smallest rides to the largest biker events in Mexico . All over the country , CMA Mexico members have made the decision to follow God to accelerate toward the calling in their lives . It has been as said in Philippians 3:14 ( NIV ), “ I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus .” CMA Mexico has decided to press forward .
From Ensenada , Baja California , to Cancun , Quintana Roo , you find CMA men and women going out on their motorcycles to rides , anniversaries , and secular biker events to share the love of Jesus with the lost bikers of Mexico . We know God is guiding CMA Mexico in truly changing the world , one heart at a time .
We thank you for your prayers . CMA Mexico knows that prayer and trusting the Holy Spirit is the only way to advance , grow , and minister . Please continue to pray for the leadership and members . Pray for open doors in all areas of ministry . Pray that CMA Mexico will continue to accelerate toward the calling of God to go out to the highways and byways and share the light of Jesus . CMA
Cassidy Starr serves as a Board Member and Communications Official for CMA Mexico .
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way , provided 5000 Euros in order to print 2500 New Testaments for bikers in Macedonian . Brothers and sisters from CMA Bulgaria and CMA UK were of great help , both financially and prayerfully .
Too many events , too many blessings , a beautiful year for us .
We prayed a lot , worked a lot , and we had faith .
These were the main features of the past year .
Our God is strong and great , our God is a faithful God , He will never abandon us , and He is always there for His children ; all we have to do is believe and be obedient and submit to His will .
Our wish is to hear and read again such good news next year . Blessings to the entire CMA
International family . CMA
23⎪MAY 2023⎪www . cmausa . org