By MIMMO Bimota
109 : 27 ( NIV ) “ Let them know that it is your hand , that you , Lord , have done it .”
Nothing more faithful is this verse to describe what has happened in CMA Italy this year . We were still tired and discouraged by what happened last year , the resignation of our CMA President . But the Lord had a different plan in mind . God still wants to bless and save in Italy , and it is His work . We started a bit uncertain in organizing our attendance at the Biker Expo show in Verona , the largest motorcycle event before spring in Europe and among the largest in the world .
We wanted to organize and , for the first time , have an all-Italian and 100 % CMA stand , but this was a big challenge . We are only five members , some with serious health problems , and we didn ’ t know if we had the skills and money to handle everything . In short , we were a small group with a big goal to serve God . And God provided for every need . He opened the hearts of many people who donated , especially a loved brother who donated to be able to pay for all the work of printing of Christian calendars and CMA Italy Biker Bibles . With hard work , we managed to have a booth to serve the Lord at this expo in Verona . The Lord went beyond our expectations by repaying all our efforts . The Verona event was a boost of energy and a blessing for us , as it was an incredible four days . We were able to give away over
4,000 copies of Christian calendars and as many Gospel Biker books . We had very blessed encounters with other biker brothers . It was also an excellent time of sharing and communion with the brothers of CMA USA , whom we thank very much for their commitment and help during the fair .
Finally , we thank God for adding to CMA Italy with six other contacts who during the fair , had the desire to serve God with CMA . We returned from those days truly charged and encouraged to continue God ’ s work of salvation in Italy , praying that God opens new doors and possibility of service and also praying that new Christian bikers can be added to our group . CMA
Mimmo Bimota serves as President of CMA Italy .
Arkansas |
May 25-28 |
Eureka Springs |
Ross Scalise |
501-428-6620 |
Kansas |
June 2-4 |
Dodge City |
Brian Adcock |
785-547-6619 |
Nebraska |
May 25-28 |
Seward |
Brian Sermeno |
402-570-7069 |
North Dakota |
June 2-4 |
Minot |
Jeff Wretling |
701-460-7312 |
South Carolina |
June 1-4 |
Seneca |
Johna Lay |
601-278-5084 |
South Dakota |
June 9-11 |
Watertown |
Barry Eberhard |
605-999-1920 |
Texas-Southeast |
May 18-20 |
Kerrville |
Ralph Robson |
281-543-7423 |
Texas-West |
May 4-7 |
Ft . Davis |
Bobby Gill |
719-895-2466 |
21⎪MAY 2023⎪www . cmausa . org