DEVOTIONS Thank you so much for the devotions that you send out ! They are very encouraging and give the lift in spirit we need at times to continue to go out into the world and be the salt and light Jesus called us to be every day ! Just wanted to say that I really appreciate the thoughts you share . Thank you and God bless you !
Lori Lyda Trinity Road Riders # 3 Portland , Oregon
THANK YOU I would like you to know that there are a few members who live in Statesville , NC and they have made an impact on my life like no other ! Never stop what you ’ re doing ; it ’ s working and it ’ s worth it !
Brittany Atwell Statesville , North Carolina
GOD OPENS DOORS Back in February of 2021 , I was sitting in a dentist office having my teeth cleaned . All of a sudden , I really listened to the background music . “ Is that The Message on Sirius XM ?" “ Yes ,” the hygienist replied . She explained that she was a Christian and from there our conversation took off . I found out her husband had just purchased a Can Am Spyder . I had been contemplating buying myself one as well . I found a used one online the next day and immediately purchased it . My wife and I made a connection with this hygienist and her husband and have had several " rydes " together . We were hoping to hook up with other Christian riders in our area . Fast forward a few months . I work as an optician in Costco in Nashua , New Hampshire . One Saturday afternoon , I noticed a couple in our department . The husband was wearing a CMA vest , so I immediately approached them and started asking questions . Finally we got down to the question of where their chapter was located . The gentleman replied “ It ' s probably too far for you . We are located in Fitchburg , MA and we are a forming chapter .” I could not believe God ' s providence . I said in an excited voice “ I live in Fitchburg !” I explained to him that my wife and I were looking for just such an opportunity in our lives , to be able to ride and share the Gospel with others . God certainly opens doors when you are willing to take the risk and walk through . We both have now joined CMA and are looking forward to spreading the Gospel .
Leo and Shelley O ' Neil Narrow Path Riders FC # 2955 Fitchburg , Maine
03⎪MAY 2022⎪www . cmausa . org