A faithful group of CMA members set up the CMA canopy at a secular rally . They were following the call of God on their lives to go , changing the world , one heart at a time . With the booth set up , the flyers laid out , and the cups of water ready to hand out , a woman stood at a distance observing what was about to take place . She watched as many were extended an invitation to enter into the Kingdom of God . Then , something stirred in her heart . She turned around , went to her MC , and gathered a large group of about 20 women to head straight for the CMA canopy . As they arrived , they were greeted with water and popcorn . “ We need what you have ; we need something different in our
MC . Will you pray for us ?” were the woman ’ s words . They left with a Bible in one hand , a cup of water in the other , and a heart open for the seed of salvation to continue to grow . All it took was a group of willing CMA Mexico members that heard the voice of God and went out to serve .
You never know who is watching from afar , who is ready for the reaping , who needs what you have and is just waiting for you to be there . This is how CMA Mexico operates . We are following the call of God and going to the highways and the byways , all over the country , to share Jesus and His neverending love .
CMA Mexico is growing . The leadership team is growing and has two new board members and new Area Reps who are answering to the call of God on their lives . Despite the enemy wanting to put out the fire of the ministry , we have seen new people answering the call of God and entering into the ministry , all with a strong desire to see lives touched by the saving power of Jesus Christ .
Pray for the Board of Directors , pray for the National Leadership team . Pray for the members of CMA Mexico . More so , we ask that you pray for the call of God on each member , that they may be effective in ministry as they take someone with them to minister to the lost bikers in Mexico . CMA
Cassidy Starr serves as Communications Official / Board Member of CMA Mexico .
Arkansas |
May 26-29 |
Eureaka Springs |
Ross Scalise |
501-428-6620 |
Kansas |
June 3-5 |
Abilene |
Brian Adcock |
785-547-6619 |
Nebraska |
May 27-30 |
Seward |
Brian Sermeno |
402-570-7069 |
North Dakota |
June 3-5 |
Wahpeton |
Jeff Bahr |
701-899-1054 |
South Dakota |
June 10-12 |
Chamberlain |
Barry Eberhard |
605-363-3956 |
Texas-Southeast |
May 19-22 |
Kerrville |
Ralph Robson |
281-543-7423 |
Texas-West |
May 5-8 |
Fort Davis |
Mike Negri |
940-733-8773 |
23⎪MAY 2022⎪www . cmausa . org