CMA HeartBeat May 2022 | Page 21



THE YEAR OF GROWTH year we will celebrate 14

THIS years of CMA Latvia , and it is great to feel that the work that has been done for so many years gives results .

We created a board last year , and now it is much better to make group decisions . CMA local plans are not done by one person but by a group . I am thankful to God for every board member . Each of them has unique gifts that help to make the ministry better . We try to meet every three months , be thankful for the past , and dream about the future .
Last year was different for all of us . Some moto events happened , but some did not . Praise the Lord that we could make our yearly event . Praise the Lord that we had someone else responsible for the event after many years when I have been organizing this event . The event was done well . I could enjoy the event with much less stress than before .
To every leader , if you have someone in your group who is responsible and has a servant ' s heart , give them some freedom to do things . It will open many new doors . In that way , you as a group can do much more things .
Last year , during wintertime , we met only in zoom , then this year , we met face-to-face every second Thursday . The benefit of the Internet - someone who could not come for different reasons was able to connect anyway . We experienced many answered prayers .
It is good to have a longer ride for several days every year . It helps not just to ride as a group . It also helps to get to know people and see whether they are ready to be a part of the group .
Last year , we went to Finland because CMA Finland celebrated ten years of ministry . It is not far : 300 km from Riga to Tallin , then ferry from Helsinki 300 km to the north . It was great to visit believers in Christ in a different country . This year we plan to go to Belgium – 2000 km to one side .
May God bless your family and ministry . CMA
Zigmars Atvars serves as President of CMA Latvia .
21⎪MAY 2022⎪www . cmausa . org