CMA HeartBeat May 2021 | Page 5



By NESTOR Gonzalez

GOD BLESS this great CMA family .

From Argentina , we send a big hug of love , and we tell you that the CMA Argentina prayer team constantly prays to our God for each one of the CMA members around the world .
One year after this special situation that is experienced throughout the planet , the Board of Directors and some leaders took stock of what we have experienced as a ministry , and we thank God because He is good . In Argentina , for a few months , the government did not allow free movement between provinces , and even within the same province , there were many restrictions . However , we were able to carry the Word of God through the networks , pray for motorcyclists who requested it , resorted to new and different ways to bring God ' s love to the motorcycling world .
Only in this year , 2021 , the routes are opening and allowing some motorcycle events ( with limitations ), and that is how CMA Argentina is underway !
Despite the situation , CMA Argentina , according to chapter reports , gained 231 people for Christ , it was possible to pray for 2,122 people . Currently , in Argentina , there are three chapters formed , and the 4th will be constituted soon , in addition , there are 15 more chapters in formation .
There are CMA members in 14 of the 23 provinces that are part of Argentina . We are working in our hearts to continue growing and strengthening ourselves to receive the great harvest of souls that God promised us and to be able to guide them in love to His Kingdom . God bless CMA . The Word for CMA Argentina is in Hebrews 11:27b ( NLT ), “ He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible .” CMA
Nestor Gonzalez serves as President of CMA Argentina .
05⎪May 2021⎪www . cmausa . org