CMA International
By NESTOR Gonzalez
has definitely earned
a place in the world
of Argentine motorcycling.
Accepted and approved by secular
groups, it is common to invite us to
motorcycling events to invoke the
blessings of God on these meet-
ings. But most importantly, we
manage to be a solid team and are
united in the vision and mission of
The CMA Family concept has
definitely been established as a
way of life in the CMA ministry in
Argentina. We worked a lot during
the year on that aspect; on respect,
and above all, on the love among
the members and brothers of min-
istry. We strive to be channels of
blessing in order to bring the love
of Jesus Christ to those who still do
not know it, and not to go out on
any route or path without having
love to give.
The country is going through a
deep economic crisis, but we can
see the wonderful hand of God on
CMA, because despite that, the
doors open and the paths are
straightened. We attend almost all
the motorcycling events that take
place in Argentina, being salt and
light to bring glory and honor to
the King of kings.
Personally, I believe and thank
God for the family of motorcyclists
who form CMA Argentina, espe-
cially because the vast majority
committed to the call, assumed the
commitment, and accepted the
challenge of changing the world,
one heart at a time. Through
"Riding for the Son" we see God
working through this wonderful
God has spoken very specifically
to CMA Argentina for 2019: "2019
year of challenges." We take the
challenges and we challenge our-
selves in all aspects. We challenge
ourselves in the economic, in the
labor, in the ministerial growth, but
above all we challenge ourselves to
change our minds. Christ is not
only our Savior, but also our Lord.
We challenge ourselves to diminish,
so He grows in our lives.
We are committed to the call.
CMA currently has representa-
tion in 13 provinces of the country
out of a total of 23 provinces. But
let's go for more! CMA
Nestor Gonzalez is the President of CMA Argentina.