CMA HeartBeat May 2019 | Page 27

CMA International By MIKE Fitton Hi Anniversary. Each year the rally is hosted by a different country and different motorcycle group/association. Recent rallies have been in the Netherlands, Latvia, Finland, Spain, and Portugal. This year, CMA UK is hosting the rally from August 1-4 and expect around 350-500 Christian bikers and their families to make the journey. We hope that many of our CMA family from Europe and the CMA International Support Team will be able to join us. The theme this year is ‘Victory in Surrender.’ Anyone who has organised a rally will know that it takes some doing! This rally has been in the planning for quite some time and we are nearly there with organising speakers, youth and children’s teams, seminars, catering, worship bands, marquees, camping, book- ing forms, etc. It is all coming together and we see the thread of grace as the final touches are being made. The last time we hosted the rally was in 2010 with 500 bikers on site representing 15 countries – that’s really exciting stuff! We may be divided by different languages, dif- ferent bikes, different cultures, but we are “all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28b, NKJV), and this is evident by the hugs, smiles, laugh- ter, and tears shared between us all. I particularly enjoy the early morning prayer meetings; often seeing 100 people attend. I encour- age everyone to pray in their own language, knowing Heaven doesn’t need a translator. The greatest uni- versal language we hear comes from hearts full of grace and mercy crying out to God for friends, fami- lies, and lost bikers. Please would you pray that God comes amongst us at the EMC Rally in Holy Spirit Power. Pray God increases our passion to see our friends, families, and the lost bikers of Europe come to faith in Christ. Pray we remain faithful and united to Christ and to each other, no matter what our countries decide on our behalf! The greatest calling on our lives is to serve our Living God in CMA; the greatest mistake would be to take that calling for granted and miss all that Heaven has planned for us. CMA Mike Fitton is the National Chairman of CMA United Kingdom. John Ogden Sr Dan Gromko Bob Sandberg May 2-5 TX-W State Rally Ft. Davis, TX May 4 Run for the Son Moore Haven, FL April 12-14 Idaho SOR Twin Falls, ID Ray Burns May 23-26 AR State Rally Eureka Springs, AR Chet Upp May 4 Run for the Son May 18 RFS Cookout/Bake Sale Holton, KS Charles Hale May 4 Run for the Son Texas Lyle Herman May 4 Run for the Son May 4 Run for the Son Hatfield, AR Roger Wilson May 4 Run for the Son “ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS” (GALATIANS 3:28b, NKJV). from CMA United Kingdom; we are privileged to be a part of this amazing world-wide mission organisation. You may not know that the UK is made up of four countries – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. At the time of writing we are still part of the ‘European Union.’ The UK is facing a challenging time and it has produced a new word in our political dictionary – ‘Brexit’ – short for ‘Britain choosing to Exit the European Union.’ Europe may be divided by political opinion, but as Christian motorcyclists, we choose to remain united through faith in Christ. I am excited to tell you about a special event that is held every year that will maintain this united faith - the ‘European Motorcyclists for Christ Rally’ (EMC). This rally unites not only CMA members, but also brothers and sisters from other Christian motorcycle clubs and associations throughout Europe. We all meet for a weekend of fel- lowship, prayer, worship, and chal- lenges from God’s Word and 2019 is a celebration of the rally’s 29th