CMA HeartBeat May 2019 | Page 20

CMA International By MAURIZIO Ragonese lot took place in CMA Hungary in 2018! Each year we have been striving to be part of more and more biker events. We honestly think that 2018 was a break- through, because we were able to be at so many events. It would be almost impossible to list everything that happened to us, but we try to tell about some of the most impor- tant ones. We had the opportunity to par- ticipate at the "Arts' Valley Festival,” where some thousands have seen the CMA tent and the bikes. Basically it is an arts festival, but so many bikers attended! We were able to work on a good rela- tionship with the local churches, so they let us set up our tent at the very center of the festival, near one church. We talked with a lot of bik- ers there too, who came to see the A festival. Also, one of the biggest TV channels asked for longer material with us, so we had an entire day for filming with them! We really enjoyed it and when it was aired on TV: woah! We felt like we were famous for 15 minutes! It was the second year of attending at the Móri Motorosok festival. The organizers like us and they provide an amazing place for us every year. We are just thankful to God for these opportunities! We see how He is preparing hearts to accept CMA Hungary's ministry and to even support it with their permissions during rallies and important events. It was the second year we organized our evangelistic event in Csetény, and it was a lot better than in 2017. We reached a lot of non-believers with the Gospel. We have been able to do many upgrades on the clubhouse in Vecsés. We bought a CMA bus and a CMA bike. We received four new people from God who joined our team in 2018 and are currently in the progress of taking the Member Training. And last but not least, the CMA European Leadership Conference 2018 was awesome for us! Sharing experience and being together with CMA around the world made it one of the best weekends in 2018! We hope that in 2019 we will have even more to serve in as we continue our walk in God for the biker community. We are looking forward to the next year! CMA Maurizio Ragonese is the President of CMA Hungary.