CMA International
By VICTOR Ramirez
Chile, we have grown; slow,
but constant. In Santiago,
two women have joined and
received their patches and creden-
tials, and a man submitted his
Member Training questionnaire.
On the other hand, the Arica and
Parinacota Chapter is being formed
in the city of Arica, which has two
members with a completed train-
ing plan and three studying.
Hundreds of motorcyclists and
their motorcycles have been
blessed, CMA New Testaments
have been given, and we have par-
ticipated in various charitable
activities where we are known as a
The city of La Ligua (160 km
north of Santiago) gave us recogni-
tion for having participated in its
2018 Anniversary.
Sunday, March 4, 2019, four
members of CMA Chile climbed the
Cordillera limit with CMA Argentina
to commemorate
the Cristo Redentor
Route, in which we
have become
known and expect-
The truth has
been, we worked
hard and we have
been strengthened.
I attended the
leadership confer-
ence in Paraguay last November, and this April, will
travel to the CMA Paraguay Rally.
In October, I will visit CMA
Argentina, in the city of Misiones.
age, he rides more than any from
our group. Praise the Lord for
opportunity that he has. He started
to become active Christian because
of CMA. He rode with us and want-
ed to become a member. He under-
stood he must be involved in some
church. Eriks went to one church,
got baptized, and became not just
a church member, but also a CMA
member. Praise the Lord for using
us and CMA in Erik’s journey to
becoming a believer. Don’t look at
person’s age – in all ages there is a
need for God.
In September, in Riga, there was
a big Christian event called
Awakening Europe, where we had a
chance to help with security at part
of the event. Praise the Lord there are people who organize events
and volunteers who can help with
practical issues.
Before we wrote our testimonies
in Latvian, but when we heard that
prison chaplain translated Latvian
Biker Bible testimonies sentence by
sentence in Russian (we have many
prisoners who speak Russian lan-
guage), we then translated our tes-
timonies that more people can
read our stories that God has done
in our lives. We also translate testi-
monies in English. Praise the Lord
for opportunities to tell others
about the Savior.
May our Lord bless you richly
with all kind of blessings. CMA
Victor Ramirez is the President of CMA Chile.
year for us was very
special because we
celebrated CMA Latvia’s 10 year
anniversary. During those years we
have had many people who have
crossed our lives – good and also
hard moments, but God’s promise
is that when there are at least two
believers that are present, also
Christ is among them. Thank you
God for all the blessings we have
felt during these 10 years!
Now we have 11 CMA brothers in
Latvia who like to ride motorcycles,
but most important we love our
Lord Jesus Christ.
Our newest member is 71 years
old, named Eriks, but even in his
Zigmars Atvars is the President of CMA Latvia.