By BRAD Hall |
WELL BALANCED most of our lives , we
FOR have heard the word ( s ) β well-balanced β or β balanced .β As children , we are told we need to eat well-balanced meals . As we grow older , good-intentioned counselors explain that we need to be balanced in our educational goals , occupational goals , social relationships , and spiritual endeavors . Of course , I cannot leave out our beloved motorcycle wheels that need to be balanced , or they wear and ride weirdly . Then , we get retirement experts trying to get us to have balanced retirement portfolios , but they like to use the fancy term β diversified .β As I began to pray about this month β s encouragement on having a healthy chapter , the Holy Spirit began to urge me to explore this idea of balance . I believe I can confidently say that the Scriptures support a Gospel that is well-balanced . God intended for the Good News of Jesus Christ and the hope of Glory to be offered to all groups in every nation and tongue . For CMA , that means the message of hope that we bring to the streets is for every person riding every type of bike at every type of event . Jesus did not ask His followers to lean only to one side of the world in spreading the Good News .
There is an instance in Scripture where the disciples almost made the mistake of seeing the message
of Christ from an β unbalanced β or β one-sided β viewpoint . Let β s read Mark 9:38-40 ( NKJV ). β Now John answered Him , saying , β Teacher , we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name , and we forbade him because he does not follow us .β But Jesus said , β Do not forbid him , for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me . For he who is not against us is on our side .β
Yes , there are many topics of discussion that these verses stimulate . As for our chapters , however , let β s ponder this point . We are on the heels of a great year of expanding outreach , reaching the next generation , and increasing Run for the Son . This year at our Seasons of Refreshing , we will learn the practical application of sharing our overflowing , confident hope with the motorcycling community . The fruit of last year and this year will obviously increase those invited to and those who will accept Christ β s invitation to the great feast in eternity with the Father . Secondly , we will see an increase in those who want to join us in the ministry of CMA .
Let β s be honest : these new members ( and possibly old members ) will inevitably have diverse interests in motorcycles they ride , events they want to attend , people groups they have a heart for , churches they attend , Bible translations they read , denominational
interpretations of the scriptures , riding gear they wear , and the list goes on forever .
I believe what Jesus wants us to know is that a chapter that focuses on only one of these areas is not well-balanced and is not His desire . Ultimately , placing all of our eggs in one basket is a recipe for an unhealthy chapter . Let us encourage each other to serve and share Jesus where the Holy Spirit leads us . It is easy to fall into a trap of feeling that our way is the best way , but Jesus β s way is the only way : to get the Good News to everyone everywhere . It β s OK to divide and conquer when we have multiple opportunities and diversities of interests within our chapter . So , let β s go to all the world and every creature and see what God will do . Amen , and praise the Lord . CMA
Brad and Shawna Hall oversee the Southeast Region as National Evangelist .
13βͺMARCH 2024βͺwww . cmausa . org |