CMA HeartBeat March 2023 | Page 6



By STEVE Brackeen

I want to start by thanking all of you for the sacrifices that you made for the Kingdom of God in 2022 . Souls have been saved , people who have walked away from God and have returned because of your efforts , and many people have been prayed for because of the places that all of you have gone to fulfilling the calling on your life . My one question is , why do we believe what the world thinks about us and the calling on our lives ?

Many have stated that I am just a sinner saved by grace . But we are so much more than that ! The Bible says that I am a new creation . 2 Corinthians 5:17 , ESV says , “ Therefore , if anyone is in Christ , he is a new creation . The old has passed away ; behold , the new has come .” This means we have become cherished children of God . We are members of the royal family ! The Bible says we will judge angels . Now is the time to not only claim that we are citizens of Heaven , but to live our lives in such a way that the world would know at a glance that we are ! It is time to stand up , be bold , walk into the dark places of this world , and take God ’ s holy light with us . This world has been deceived into thinking as long as they live a good life , they will go to Heaven . We all know that is a lie from the pits of hell . We need to stand up and tell the devil to get out of our lives and do spiritual battle for the ones losing the fight . We all know the Bible says that by the mere mention of the name of Jesus Christ , the devil and his fallen followers must flee .
It is time we stop thinking that someone else with more knowledge or power will do it . This is our time to stand up , march into this world , and bring the lost to the foot of the throne of God ! We have the power , the knowledge , the
Great Commission , and the backing of God Almighty Himself ! It does not matter what you have or have not done in the past . This is a new year , and you are a new creation . In 2023 , CMA is going to take this world by storm ! We will not back up , back away , or apologize for God or His Word !
I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield ! CMA
Steve and Lynn Brackeen oversee the South Central Region as National Evangelist .
06⎪MARCH 2023⎪shop . cmausa . org
Dan Gromko March 6-10 Daytona Bike Week Daytona , FL
Charles Hale March 12 Biker Sunday Hot Springs , AR
Hale continued March 21-23 Pastor ’ s Retreat Iron Mountain Hatfield , AR
March 24-25 Prison Ministry Pine Bluff , AR
Lyle Herman March 4-5 Individuals MC Bike Show . Jamestown , ND
Herman continued March 11-12 Ramblers MC Bike Show Minot , ND
March 18 FM Crusaders Bike show West Fargo , ND
March 19 Jeff Wretling Benefit Garrison , ND
Bob Sandberg
Chet Upp March 21-23 Pastor ’ s Retreat Iron Mountain Hatfield , AR
Roger Wilson March 15-April 1 National / International Support Center
March 21-23 Pastor ’ s Retreat Iron Mountain Hatfield , AR