CMA HeartBeat March 2023 | Page 3



Just a note to Randal Tebeau on the great article he wrote on chapter health back in March 2022 ! I was recently reading over all the magazines from 2022 , and I just thought this was an excellent article , and I had it underlined in many places so just wanted to give him a note of encouragement and say thanks for the awesome article ! Well done , brother !
Jerry Bradford Upper Room Servants # 844 , Palatka , Florida
My husband Mike was in an Inpatient Rehab hospital in Bend , Oregon ; while there , he met James , who has been fighting a blood disorder for over a year . Everyone went home but James went back to the ICU and had a rough time until two days ago .
James and his wife are believers , and on one of our visits , we dropped off a copy of The Adventure of Life and Hope for the Highway . She said the books got them through some rough days of intense testing for him . The wife called us and let us know they are reading and having discussions on how your book has lifted both of their spirits . They know together , and with His grace , healing from the inside will strengthen the outside .
James is home with his wife and kids , and the healing has already begun . The prayer on page 88 was special to them to never give up . They are thankful for your book that helps guide them back to the vision and the path that gives them hope for the future .
Blessings , Mike and Deb Dunton CMA Oregon Area Reps
I want to thank Alan Morris of Van Buren , Arkansas , formerly of Piggott , Arkansas . He truly embodies the ideals of your organization .
I am an elderly woman who was traveling alone in a farming community with nothing but fields all around me when one of my tires suddenly had zero pressure . I managed to get into the driveway of a house to get off the road . I called my husband , who was an hour and a half away , and asked if he had any suggestions as to what I should do . My husband had worked in the area before his retirement several years earlier and immediately called a friend he had done business with . Luckily , his friend responded that he knew my location , was nearby , and could quickly come to my aid .
He was there in a few minutes time and changed my ruined tire with the donut tire in my trunk . He realized my tire had been destroyed . He called a friend who owned a tire store and found they did not have a replacement . He followed me to his friend ’ s store to make sure my donut tire was properly aired . All the time he was working to help me , he told me about CMA . He was wearing a shirt with the logo . He said a prayer for me to continue safely on my journey .
The amazing thing about this story is that my husband had no idea that Alan had moved from the area three years earlier . He just happened to be visiting his family and was not only available but very willing to help an old friend ! What a tremendous testimony he gave for CMA .
Thank you and God bless , Cathy Oakley , Jonesboro , Arkansas
03⎪MARCH 2023⎪www . cmausa . org