By RACHEL Larson
THE last place most people would expect to find over 300 teenagers on New Year ' s Eve was in a big metal building singing praises to God . But that ' s what happened at Flame On 2022 !
A student-led band played songs asking God to " Set a fire down in my soul that I can ' t contain , that I can ' t control . I want more of You , God ." Then , finally , the ball dropped , and the room erupted with praise and thanksgiving to God for all He did and was going to do .
Most entered the pavilion on December 29 with burdens , addictions , anxieties , and sorrows . Yet , many students and adults saw breakthrough , healing , restoration , and salvation through spiritual battle ! Praise God ! You can ' t put to words what it feels like to watch over 100 students surrender their lives to Jesus for the first time . We serve a God Who LET us witness His Spirit on the move in this mighty way . He doesn ' t ask us to be able ; He simply asks us to be willing .
If you came to Flame On 2022 and surrendered your life to Jesus or have a story of how God moved in your life , please send us a message at youth @ cmausa . org . We would love to hear your story ! Also , take the time to share that experience with someone close to you . Maybe it ' s family , perhaps it ' s your Youth Movement Area Rep , or maybe it ' s someone from your church . Tell them what happened so they can pray for you and encourage you as you go into 2022 with the hope that Jesus brings . We are all celebrating with you !
Flame On , a CMA National Rally for students ages 12-18 , would not be possible without all of the volunteers who came from all over and served . We had teams come the week before to prepare food and then they were there to serve it during the event . We had people who cleaned the bathrooms , took out the trash , and supervised inflatables . We had leaders and young adults pray with students during services and free time .
Ministry happened from dawn to dusk ! And it ' s because people followed the Spirit ' s leading and came , served , gave , and prayed . THANK YOU ! You were a part of something truly remarkable , and we were honored to serve alongside you !
We were also honored to hear powerful words from Zeke as he led this year ' s Flame On for the last time . His unconditional love for the students was clearly seen as he poured his heart out to the students and adults in a vulnerable and honest way . We were so blessed to hear his heart and see how it penetrated deep into the students ' hearts . We know God has so much in store for Zeke and Sam as they embark on their next journey !
Find someone you know who attended a Flame On event and take a moment to ask them about their experience . God ' s Spirit was on the move , and we are praising Him for all He did in hearts and lives all over the United States !
Ben and Rachel Larson serve CMA
as Youth Movement National Evangelist .
23⎪MARCH 2022⎪www . cmausa . org