By BRETT Feiler
BIKER 2 BIKER became a member of CMA on
I July 19 , 2019 . I have served this year as Chaplain for the Disciples of God ( DoG ) chapter # 1206 . I am writing this testimony about the importance of Biker 2 Biker ministry , and I hope it encourages other CMA members .
On August 28 of this year , I received Chaplain Certification and was assigned to my local police department as a Community Chaplain . Two months later , on October 16 , I was contacted and arrived on the scene of my first death investigation .
When I arrived , I was given the details and briefed on the situation . After 90 minutes , a man came to the house . He was best friends with the deceased . He was highly disturbed by the unexpected loss of his friend and did not know what to think . He left the house crying in deep despair and walked into a wooded area near the home .
After catching up with him in the woods , he was ready to talk . I got a little nervous and wasn ' t sure what I was going to say , but at that moment , God told me to use the CMA ministry approach of Biker 2 Biker . Great !!! This is what I have been doing all ministry season . So , I put myself in the position of just talking to another fellow biker , and we had a great conversation about God , life , and death . As it turns out , seeing his friend lying there , he was afraid of what would happen to him if he died .
Using my experiences while serving in CMA , God allowed me to help bring comfort and peace in a stressful situation . We connected on a one-to-one level as he grieved . Once we finished our conversation , he gave me a big hug and returned to the house to say goodbye to his friend . God knew exactly what he needed to hear .
I left about 20 minutes later with him in a good place , but at the moment when I didn ' t know what to say , CMA was the first thing that popped into my mind and gave me the confidence to move forward and help him in his most desperate time .
I want to stress the importance of what we do in the ministry of CMA . We may not know the situations we may face in the future , but our experiences could help in ways that we never thought possible . CMA