Run for the Son ride for evangelism . Run for the Son is the Christian Motorcyclists Association ’ s investment into the worldwide advancement of the Kingdom of God . Of the money invested , 60 % is given to our three world-reaching ministry partners for work in foreign missions , and 40 % is used for home missions through CMA . Of course , this is not new news to most of you .
On Saturday , May 7 , 2022 , we will again participate in this motorcycle ride to generate support for these evangelism opportunities .
During a challenging time in our communities , we experienced a fantastic blessed year in 2021 through your Run for the Son accomplishments . If this challenge remains in 2022 , you can reach out through letters . Letters to your supporters and soliciting new supporters does not come across as an in-personal endeavor . If anything , it will be welcomed that you strive to grow God ’ s Kingdom while demonstrating the respect your community is asking for .
The CMA Support Center has letter templates available to you . Please reach out to us using the email below found in the red box .
This tip was provided by Geoff Norton , who serves as CMA RFS Coordinator at the
National / International Support Center .
Don ’ t forget to send us your tips and testimonies so we can share them with others . Please send them to rfs @ cmausa . org
Regional RFS Team Leads |
Region 1 Hazel Coomes 360-250-1600 |
Region 2 Jeremiah Johnson 520-990-5657 |
Region 3 Steve & Nancy Gorder 608-574-5543 |
Region 4 Alan & Pam Morris 870-598-4006 |
Region 5 Jerry & Rebecca Niver 740-771-4776 |
Region 6 Kelly & Denise Newsome 706-799-0229 |
19⎪MARCH 2022⎪www . cmausa . org