CMA HeartBeat March 2022 | Page 16

Miscellaneous Items continued

☐ ___ Tall Campfire Mug , black 12oz
$ 15
☐ ___ Teardrop Keychain , brown
$ 10.50
☐ ___ Ink Pen ☐ Orange ☐ Lime Green
$ 5
☐ ___ 2021 SOR Face Mask , black
$ 15
☐ ___ CMA Coin , gold
$ 25
☐ ___ Grip Beverage Coaster , lime green
$ 5
☐ ___ Iron Mountain Mug , 11oz
$ 16
☐ ___ Lanyard w / Red Text , black
$ 5.95
☐ ___ CMA Logo and Charm Necklace
$ 28
☐ ___ CMA Logo and Charm Earrings
$ 16
☐ ___ Full Color Logo Necklace
$ 10
☐ ___ Full Color Logo Earrings
$ 10.50
☐ ___ It Is Finished Necklace ☐ Silver ☐ Gold
$ 10.50
☐ ___ It Is Finished Earrings ☐ Silver ☐ Gold
$ 10.50
☐ ___ Angel Wing Earrings
$ 12
☐ ___ Full Color Logo Zipper Pull
$ 6.50
☐ ___ Arctic Bandana , black
$ 14
☐ ___ CMA USA Wings Badge Bandana , red
$ 8
☐ ___ Popsocket ® & Mount w / Logo , blk
$ 14.95
☐ ___ Cloth Logo Embroidered “ O ” Ring
$ 6
☐ ___ Flame Logo Luggage Tag
$ 4.50
☐ ___ Chrome Logo Car Emblem
$ 12
☐ ___ Car Logo Magnet
$ 15
☐ ___ CMA Hitch Hider ☐ Auto ☐ Motorcycle
$ 12.50
☐ ___ Car Flag w / Logo
$ 120
☐ ___ Windshield Shade
$ 17
☐ ___ Black MC License Plate Frame
$ 10.50
☐ ___ Kick Stand Coaster ☐ black ☐ blue
$ 4.25
☐ lime ☐ orange ☐ pink ☐ red ☐ yellow
☐ ___ Kick Stand Coaster , Black Riding
$ 4.25
☐ ___ Ride Brite Travel Kit
$ 32
☐ ___ Ride Brite
32 oz
$ 22
☐ ___ Smoke Mirror Sunglasses w / Cord
$ 18
☐ ___ Youth Sunglasses
$ 10
☐ ___ Safety Glasses
$ 16
Choose : ☐ Infinity Blue Lens ☐ Coffee
☐ ___ Denim Pocket Pack ☐ blue ☐ black
$ 17.50
☐ ___ Helmet Sack Pack in CMA Colors and
$ 35
Embroidered Logo
☐ ___ Arm Sleeve , Digital Yellow ☐ L / XL
$ 29
☐ ___ Denim Embossed Apron ☐ blue ☐ black
$ 30
☐ ___ Leather Hip Bag , black
$ 34.95
☐ ___ CMA Suspenders , black
$ 27.95
☐ ___ Split Leather Wallet w / Chain
$ 35
☐ ___ Wallet Chain w / CMA Logo
$ 12.50
☐ ___ Leather Cowhide Wallet
$ 45
☐ ___ Braided Leather Chain
12 in 24 in
$ 25 $ 30
☐ ___ CMA Canopy Pop-up
$ 511
☐ ___ Feather Flag CMA Logo w / Base
$ 199
☐ ___ USA Motorcycle Flag , 6 ” x 9 ”
$ 14.50
☐ ___ Christian Motorcycle Flag , 6 ” x 9 ”
$ 14.50
☐ ___ CMA Antenna Flag , 6 ” x 9 ”
$ 14.50
☐ ___ It Is Finished Antenna Flag , 6 ” x 9 ”
$ 14.50
☐ ___ Multi Driver , red
$ 6.50
☐ ___ 10ft Tape Measure
$ 5
☐ ___ Portable Cutlery Set
$ 8
☐ ___ 4 ” Bag Clip , blue
$ 4
☐ ___ Bronze Logo Plaque
$ 49.50
☐ ___ Foam Cushion
$ 16
☐ ___ Toothpick Dispenser
$ 4.50
☐ ___ Kids Notebook ( pack of 5 )
$ 4
☐ ___ CMA Beginning Years Book
$ 15
☐ ___ New Believers New Testament , NLT
$ 12.75
☐ ___ Youth New Believers New Testament , NLT
$ 12.75
☐ ___ Spanish New Believers New Testament , NLT
$ 12.75
☐ ___ “ Hope for the Highway ” New Testament Bible , NIV
Personalized Items
( Allow 2 weeks for delivery for plastic tags ) Be sure to fill out the personalized section below ! PLEASE PRINT GIVEN NAME ONLY , NO ROAD NAMES ! Must be a member to purchase ANY NAME TAG All tags are Member Training completed .
☐ ___ CMA Membership Certificate $ 5
☐ ___ Personalized Cloth Name Tag ( 4 wks delivery ) $ 5 ( 10 letters , ALL CAPS ) ___________________
☐ ___ 2 ” Laser Name Tag w / pins $ 9.25 ☐ ___ 2 ” Laser Name Tag w / magnets $ 10.25
☐ ___ CMA Laser Name Tag w / Pin , 3 ”, Yellow $ 9.50 plastic , has lasered CMA logo and your name
☐ ___ CMA Laser Name Tag w / magnets , 3 ” $ 12.50 ☐ ___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w / pin back , 2 ” $ 12 ☐ ___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w / magnets , 2 ” $ 12.50 ☐ ___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w / pin back , 3 ” $ 12.25 ☐ ___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w / magnets , 3 ” $ 15.25
Laser and Metal Name Tags are allowed up to 4 lines , not 2 ” ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
1-4 5-14 15-49 50-499
500 +
☐ ___ Spoke-N-Word 1-49 50 +
$ 5.30 $ 3.75 $ 3.00 $ 2.75 $ 2.50
$ 2.50 $ 2 ea
☐ ___ How to Deal w / Difficult Relationships $ 16.85
☐ ___ God ’ s Promise Book 1 2 +
$ 6.50 $ 5.50
☐ ___ White CMA Logo Banner 4 ’ x 6 ’
$ 100
☐ ___ Come Ride With Us Banner 4 ’ x 6 ’
$ 100
☐ ___ Fast Lane Sport Bike Banner 4 ’ x 6 ’
$ 100
☐ ___ “ Here if you need us .” Banner 4 ’ x 6 ’
$ 200
☐ ___ Youth Banner 4 ’ x 6 ’
$ 200
☐ ___ Booth Banner and Table Skirt Set
$ 275
☐ ___ Vertical Banner Set , 6 Banners
$ 200
☐ ___ Table Skirt Banner
$ 100
☐ ___ RFS Table Skirt Banner
$ 75
☐ ___ Vertical Banners 26 ” x 60 ” ☐ Mechanical
$ 40
☐ Dual ☐ Goldwing ☐ Harley ☐ Drag
☐ Supermoto ☐ Dirt Bike ☐ Quad
☐ ___ Ladies Banner 3 ’ x 2 ’
$ 25
☐ ___ Youth Movement Banner 3 ’ x 2 ’
$ 60
☐ ___ CMA White Logo Banner 3 ’ x 2 ’
$ 60
☐ ___ CMA “ Blessing of the Bikes ” 1½ ’ x 4 ’
$ 60
☐ ___ CMA “ Blessing of the Bikes ” 3 ’ x 2 ’
$ 60
☐ ___ CMA Custom Chapter Banner 4 ’ x 6 ’
$ 250
( Must send in chapter patch , 3 weeks )
Visit shop . cmausa . org to build your own banner !

ToolBox Items

Member Training Material ☐ ___ Member Training USB $ 18 ☐ ___ Member Training DVD Set ,
$ 24
DVDs & Workbook ☐ ___ Member Training Workbook $ 8
☐ ___ Member Training Youth DVD Set , $ 14 DVDs & Workbook ( 12-18 yrs . old )
☐ ___ Member Training Youth Workbook $ 6 ( 12-18 yrs . old )
☐ ___ Member Training Spanish Adult & Youth $ 7.50 Workbooks on USB
ToolBox Items
☐ ___ Hope After Battlefield Tract
100 /$ 12.25
☐ ___ Tip Tract
100 /$ 9
☐ ___ What Would Jesus Ride Tract
100 /$ 15
☐ ___ Thank You Tract
100 /$ 12
☐ ___ Closer Look Tract
100 /$ 16
☐ ___ POW / MIA Tract
50 /$ 13.50
☐ ___ Cherished , Ladies ’ Tract
100 /$ 12
☐ ___ You Are Loved , Ladies ’ Tract
100 /$ 14.50
☐ ___ Rag Tract ( Natural color )
50 /$ 36
500 /$ 300
☐ ___ Spanish Rag Tract ( Natural color )
25 /$ 27
☐ ___ Spanish Right Road Tract
100 /$ 14.50
☐ ___ Spanish He Would Have Ridden A
25 /$ 9.95
Motorcycle Tract
☐ ___ Spanish Let Those Who Ride
25 /$ 9.95
Decide Tract
☐ ___ Spanish Have You Prepared Your
25 /$ 9.95
Ride Plan Tract
☐ ___ Spanish Bike Blessing
25 /$ 13.50
☐ ___ Come Ride With Us Card Tract
100 /$ 5.50
☐ ___ Flag Card Tract
100 /$ 5.50
☐ ___ Who We Are Booklet
5 /$ 9.50
☐ ___ 2022 Bike Blessing Decals
50 /$ 7.25
☐ ___ Bike Blessing Cards w / Instructions
50 /$ 4.50
☐ ___ Youth Bike Blessing , stars
50 /$ 12.50
☐ ___ Chapel Note Card
10 /$ 6
☐ ___ We Missed You Postcards
10 /$ 5
☐ ___ Red Heart Box
$ 5
☐ ___ Travel First Aid Kit , blue
$ 5
☐ ___ Ministry Aid Kit Bag 1-4 5-49 50-99 100 +
$ 5 ea $ 3.24 ea $ 2.60 ea $ 2.49 ea
☐ ___ Lip Balm ( Pack of 5 )
$ 8
☐ ___ Emery Boards
10 /$ 5
☐ ___ Salvation Band Bracelet Tract
25 /$ 14.50
☐ ___ Coin Tract ( Set of 25 )
$ 9
☐ ___ Mirror Tract ( Set of 10 )
$ 12.50
☐ ___ New Believer Tri-Fold
25 /$ 11.60
☐ ___ Informational Brochure
25 /$ 7.50
☐ ___ Come Ride with Us Brochure
25 /$ 12
☐ ___ Thank You Note Cards , blank
25 /$ 16
☐ ___ RFS Memorial Cards
25 /$ 4
☐ ___ RFS Thank You Cards
25 /$ 14.35
☐ ___ Salvation Birth Certificate
50 /$ 4
☐ ___ CMA Appreciation Certificate
25 /$ 8.50
☐ ___ CMA Handbook , CD ROM
$ 5.50
☐ ___ Black & Silver Non-Personalized
100 /$ 5.50
Business Cards
☐ ___ Come Ride With Us Non-
100 /$ 5.50
Personalized Business Cards